My Approach to the Super Sneak Ruleset - Weekly Challenge!


Using Super Sneak ruleset to win a Diamond level Modern League battle!

We have three rulesets in effect: What Doesn't Kill You, Super Sneak and FabFour:


RULESET: Super Sneak



All melee units gain the Sneak ability.


The Strategy

My strategy for this battle was pretty simple:

  1. Use Weapons Training
  2. Use fast monsters
  3. Use high damage monsters
  4. Use a resilient tank upfront
  5. Place the hardest to hit monsters in the back

So I am using weapons training here to give a very resilient tank Baakjira three attack and since we are a fairly low mana battle this is a good tank and I also used Chaos Agent which only takes one mana and I gave him melee attack as well since we have Super Sneak and it can attack from third position it is also very fast with ability to dodge and phase and backfire.

And to fill out the rest of the mana I used Pelacor Bandit to have high melee damage of four for just three mana. Placing him last also makes him a defense against sneak attacks as he is very fast, has flying and enrage in this ruleset so once it is hit and enraged it will be very hard to hit.

I used Kelya as a summoner to boost speed for all friendly monsters and give them shield.


The Summoner

Kelya is a very strong summoner, since my strategy is to use fast monsters it plays perfectly into it by boosting the speed of all friendly monsters by one. It also give shield to all friendly monsters which should be beneficial also.

1st Slot - Resilient Tank Monster

Baakjira is a super resilient tank, one of the hardest to kill tanks in the game. The downside it usually doesn't have any attack, but by using weapons training that is provided by Kulu Mastermind it gains three melee damage!

2nd Slot - Weapons Training Monster

Kulu Mastermind is one of my favorite weapons training monsters. This formerly soul-bound reward card has great speed, lots of damage, has shield ability and opportunity. This is a great card to use in the Super Sneak ruleset.

3rd Slot - Tiny Super Sneak Monster

Chaos Agent is fast, has backfire, phase and dodge abilities but it doesn't have any attack. For one mana this is a great monster in most rulesets but in Super Sneak ruleset when it gains three melee damage from Kulu Mastermind it becomes particularly deadly!

4th Slot - Sneak Monster

Pelacor Bandit is a great monster to put in the back in the enraged ruleset as it is hard to hit, but when enraged it becomes even harder to hit.



Looks like our opponent went with a new Rebellion summoner and magic heavy team. This bodes well for us as our tank is hard to kill with magic and he doesn't have affliction to stop it from self healing.

In the first round we killed their last monster twice, this battle should be over in no time!

In the second round we took out another one of their backline monsters, this battle is going REALLY good for us!

And just like that it is all over in round three. We took out their entire team without losing any of our monsters!

And we win a nice 11+ SPS tokens and 1,071 Glint!

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