My Approach to the Silenced Summoners Ruleset - Weekly Challenge!

Using Silenced Summoners ruleset to win a Diamond level Modern League battle!

We have three rulesets in effect: Silenced Summoners, Armored Up and Equalizer:


RULESET: Silenced Summoners



Summoners do not give any buffs/debuffs or grant/use abilities.

Use your lowest cost and highest level summoner within this ruleset.


The Strategy

We have tree rulesets in effect, therefore all three should be considered for this battle.

My strategy here is go with Death Splinter, not only it has some of the most powerful monsters, but I also rent Waka Spiritblade which takes only three mana so it is perfect for the silenced summoners ruleset.

Due to the equalizer ruleset I am choosing a lot of glass cannons these monsters normally have a low to medium health with powerful attack and abilities. In the equalizer ruleset Ever-Hungry skull becomes a great tank against anything but magic, to insure against magic lineup on the opposite side I placed Djinn Muirat in the second position.

In the third position I placed life leaching reward card: Venari Bonesmith and in fourth position I placed sniping stun monster: Magi Necrosi.

In the fifth position we have a true glass cannon: Soul Stranger - it has four ranged damage and it also has a poison ability.

And last but not least we have an ultimate support monster: Doctor Blight. I don't own this monster and simply rent it but this monster also benefits from the equalizer ruleset.


The Summoner

Waka Spiritblade is a legendary summoner from the Chaos Legion Promo set. A great summoner for silenced summoners and low mana battles as it only takes up three mana.

1st Slot - Tank Monster

Since we have Equalizer ruleset in effect Ever-Hungry Skull becomes a great choice for our tank. It has elven mana, three melee damage and base speed of four it also comes with flying, thorns and return fire abilities which makes him a great tank against anything except magic attackers.

2nd Slot - Secondary Tank Monster

Since our primary tank is vulnerable against magic attackers I decided to have a great anti-magic tank as our secondary tank. Djinn Muirat has four shield combined with Void Shield, Giant Killer, Knock Out, Magic Reflect and Force Field abilities.

3rd Slot - Magic Attacking Poison Life Leach Monster

Venari Bonesmith is a great choice for the Equalizer ruleset because of his life leach ability. His base health of five gets increased to the max health of a monster on the field and then it start leaching health from the monsters it attacks. I placed him in the third position so that it has enough time to leach some health from our opponent

4th Slot - Magic Attacking Monster

Magi Necrosi is another powerful monster perfect for this combination of rulesets. It has three magic damage, four speed and snipe, camouflage, oppress and stun abilities.

5th Slot - Ranged Poison Monster

Soul Strangler is normally a glass cannon with low base health of four, however it is great in the equalizer ruleset. It only takes four mana, but brings to the field four ranged damage, three speed and poison ability.

6th Slot - Ultimate Supporting Monster

Doctor Blight is an ultimate supporting monster that is perfect for this ruleset. It comes with the following set of abilities: affliction, camouflage, poison, scavenge and weaken. Hidden in the very back this card should gain lots of health by the end of the battle.


Our opponent brought a very powerful and expensive set of cards to the battle field. Let's see how our humble lineup fairs against this powerful set of monsters:

In the first round we managed to land poison on their tank, but things don't look too hot at the start of the second round. Their magic monster lineup really tore at our main tank:

In the second round we took out their primary tank despite poison being cleansed from it. Our secondary tank really works against their Venka due to the force field and reflect keeps chipping away at their backline.

Not much has happened in round three, we kept exchanging blows and chipping away at our front monsters.

In round four we finally starting to look like we are winning. Poison should take out their Chaos Agent at the start of round five.

At the start of round five only Venka remains on their side and we still have four monsters on the field.

And we finally win in round six:

Important win against an opponent that is almost a thousand points higher ranked! I am ranked at 228 in modern and our opponent is in top thirty on the Modern leaderboard.

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