BATTLE MAGE SECRETS - RULESET: Lost Magic Weekly Challenge!

Using Lost Magic ruleset to win a Diamond level brawl battle!

RULESET: Lost Magic


Magic units may not be used in battle.

Use Thorns and Demoralize to counter melee attacks.
Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
Units with 2 types of attack (which include magic) cannot be used.

The Strategy

My strategy here is to use the slowest monsters due to the reverse speed ruleset. Additionally I chose to play two front monsters that both are heavily shielded and have shield abilities in order to reduce damage from melee and ranged attackers.

My other strategy is to play high damage sneak attack in case their front is heavily fortified. So I chose Sand Worm with a six melee damage output and Katrelba Gobson that has six melee damage across her double attack, for the total of twelve sneak damage on every turn.

Additionally, I placed a Desert Dragon to protect against a sneak strategy in case it is used against me.

The Summoner

Camila Sungazer is a legendary Untamed summoner that is perfect for the Lost Magic ruleset as she nerfs melee damage from the opposing team. Additionally Camila Sungazer doesn't speed up the friendly team like Quix does which is important as in this triple ruleset we also have a Reverse Speed ruleset active.

1st Slot - Tank

Mycelic Infantry is a perfect tank for Lost Magic and Reverse Speed rulesets that are active in this battle. It is part of a Chaos Legion core set and is a rare earth monster that comes with a base speed of one, five melee damage, three shield and ten health as well as Shield, Giant Killer and Enrage abilities which are all important in this high mana ruleset.

2nd Slot - Reach Monster

Carnage Titan is another Chaos Legion Core set member. It is a legendary dragon monster that comes with a base speed of three, four melee damage, seven shield and eight health points. It also comes with important reach, double strike and shield abilities. This is a great monster but it does come with a hefty eleven mana price tag. In this ruleset of fifty two mana we definitely can afford him.

3rd Slot - Sneak Damage Dealer Monster

Sand Worm is an old-school common reward monster. I don't have him maxed out for even silver league, but in this diamond level battle it is a perfect monster to use for the Reverse Speed ruleset. At a level four this common monster comes with a base speed of two, six melee damage and six health points with a sneak ability all for the cost of nine mana.

4th Slot - Sneak Damage Dealer Monster

Katrelba Gobson is another under-leveled monster on my team, it is only level four of the possible ten in this battle, but she is a very strong addition to the team regardless. She is a common gladiator set card that comes with a base speed of three, three melee damage and four health points. But her main value is in her abilities, particularly Bloodlust and Double Strike. She also has a sneak ability. During each turn she delivers six melee damage and her stats can grow with each kill due to her blood lust ability.

5th Slot - Ranged Damage Dealer

Goblin Tower is another perfect monster for this ruleset due to the speed of one and high damage output with Blast ability. This is another rare member of the Chaos Legion core set. It comes with five ranged damage, five shield and five health with a speed of one.

6th Slot - Anti-Sneak Tank

Desert Dragon is a great anti-sneak protection tank. It comes with a base speed of two, six melee damage, three shield, seven health and most importantly trample, piercing, retaliate and giant killer abilities. This is truly a menacing anti-sneak particularly in this reverse speed ruleset.


It looks like my opponent chose exactly the same two front monsters and also has a higher level Katrelba Gobson. His lineup looks pretty good, would be interesting to see how this will turn out...

In the first round we were able to take out their front tank due to focusing all of our high output damage on the front tank due to them using a summoner that hides their team except for the first monster. Their opportunity monster is one strike away from taking out our Katrelba Gobson which would be very unfortunate!

Round two was huge for us! We took out their secondary tank, their opportunity monster and their Katrelba Gobson without loosing any of our monsters. This is starting to look like a win all of a sudden.

And just like that we win without loosing a single monster :)

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