Vonak: Looking at the Holiday Themed Cards of Rebellion



Hi! It's me @saydie, playing Splinterlands everyday!

It's Christmas, the season of smile. The time of the year where love is felt on the atmosphere and the essence of giving has been everywhere. At my surprise, Christmas is also in Praetoria cause even at the rise of Rebellion, @nateaguila still manages to sneak and give some of the Rebellion cards the touch of the holiday season and so , those cards will be what I'm going to take a look on this post.

Ohh.. By the way, Rebellion was already on sale and if you were just starting to the game, you can go and scan my QR code to lead you directly to the game and start your play2earn journey with Splinterlands.


Rebellion Sneak Peaks

Nimbledook Scout.jpg

Mana Cost2
Element01- fire.png Fire
Card Type00-default.png Default
AbilitiesLvl 1 - backfire.png Backfire
Lvl 5- inspire.png Inspire
Lvl 10 - blast.png Blast
RF Burn Value5
GF Burn Value100

Holiday Skin


With the max health of 6 and max speed of 6, Nimbledook Scout was an amazing for a 2 mana card fire Splinter which makes it extremely tanky and hard to hit by both melee and range attacks specially on low mana and Little League rulesets. What's more is that, its got the backfire.png Backfire ability at level 1 where if the enemy misses an attack on this monster , it will takes 2 damage which makes it an alternative for Chaos Agent that cannot be used on Evens Stevens ruleset.

Odd Ones Out
Evens Stevens
Nimbledook Scout.png

At level 5, it will give inspire.png Inspire which will increase the damage of all allied melee monsters as long as this cards remain on play. For the last ability that it gets at level 10, it has the blast.png Blast ability which deals additional damage on monsters adjacent to the target which at first look, seems to not make sense since it does not have any attack but with weapons training.png Weapons Training, monsters can give their attack on Nimbledook Scout capped at 3 damage. Here are some of the potential weapons training.png Weapons Training combinations with this card.

Nimbledook Scout.png+ororor

That was for Fire, Dragon and Neutral units but remember that Rebellion comes with Dual Element Summoners so there will be more combinations than this.

Daigendark Surveyor.jpg

Mana Cost2
Element02-Water.png Water
Card Type00-default.png Default
AbilitiesLvl 1 - magic reflect.png Magic Reflect
Lvl 5 - slow.png Slow
Lvl 10 - stun.png Stun
RF Burn Value5
GF Burn Value100

Holiday Skin


Another 2 mana card, Daigendark Surveyor comes with a max health of 9 and a max speed of 5 which makes it as good if not better than Nimbledook Scout but for the Water Element and will be another good tank for low mana and Little League rulesets. It does not have a counter against melee and range monsters but it got magic reflect.png Magic Reflect that would return magic damage from the attacker which makes it the the version of Pelacor Conjurer of the Life element in Water.

Daigendark Surveyor.png

At level 5, it comes with slow.png Slow which reduces the speed of all monsters of the opponent as long as this card remains on play while at max level, it will gain the stun.png Stun ability which prevents the target to be able to attack for a turn which also makes this card to look weird at first so it also needs monsters with weapons training.png Weapons Training ability to be able to maximize its potential at fullest. Here are some of the potential weapons training.png Weapons Training combinations with this card.

Daigendark Surveyor.png+ororor

That was for Fire, Dragon and Neutral units but remember that Rebellion comes with Dual Element Summoners so there will be more combinations than this.

Nimbledook Ranger.jpg

Mana Cost7
Element07-neutral.png Neutral
Card Type00-ranged.png Range
AbilitiesLvl 1 - snipe.png Snipe
Lvl 1 - double strike.png Double Strike
RF Burn Value5
GF Burn Value100

Holiday Skin


The last card that I will be talking about will be talking about on this post was the Neutral monster Nimbledook Ranger which at highest level got the max health of 7. the max speed of 4, the max armor of 2 and the max damage of 2 that seems week for a 7 mana monster but this card got double strike.png Double Strike at level 1 which is an ability that allows this card to attack twice per turn along with snipe.png Snipe which allows it to target the nearest non melee monster to the 1st position. As this was a Neutral card, this can work on any element and can do its wonders specially on Going the Distance ruleset and there are also summoners that can give this card additional range damage to make its attack more powerful.

Nimbledook Ranger.png+or

With General Sloan, Nimbledook Ranger will get +1 range so it can have a max of 6 damage per turn while with Prophet Rosa, it gets +2 range which means it can deal up to 8 damage per turn and just imagine it together with Pelacor Arbalest and Drybone Raider who were also range monsters that have double strike.png Double Strike, then the amount of damage it can deal on a single turn will be devastating as long as the right conditions are met.

And that was my take on the following Rebellion cards. Among this cards, what I really like was Nimbledook Scout and Daigendark Surveyor to be able to have more variety of strategies on Little League specially for Water which was really powerful with Chaos Legion and my goal is to have them at least at level 5.

When it comes to the skins, I think it was not something that the community asked or expected and many have more likely to miss this change but I certainly appreciate the dedication and effort that was poured to make this limited time skins for the following monsters and was hoping for more people to see it and to have the record of this skins of the blockchain after it was gone.

Thank you and see you on my next post.

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Rebellion 3.png

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