Opening 15 Riftwatchers Gems on my Birthday

Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

They say that when you open packs on your birthday, it comes with the extra luck of pulling Legendary Gold Foils so I put it out for a test to see if I could possible be able to get another one for my birthday by opening 15 packs which makes the total Riftwatchers Gems that I opened to 30 ever since the presale.

When I opened the first 15 Riftwatchers Gems I was able to get a gold foil Runemancer Florre Which is an Earth Element Magic and Range card then I tried to flip it up on the secondary market and sold it for $ 93 worth of DEC which already covers the cost for the packs that I opened including the vouchers that I used to buy them during the presale. Here is the video from that first pack opening.

After that I was able to sold Runemancer Florre I transferred 100k DEC to Hive- Engine and trade it to Hive to buy another 15 packs form the secondary market which cost me around 130 Hive or around $ 65 at that time which means that the average cost for each packs is around $ 4.33 but in exchange I won't be getting any airdrop points by opening them. Here is the video from opening them.

Like last time, I was able to get 2 Legendary cards but there is no gold foil this time for them but the last legendary card that I got is one of my favorites so far and pulling them means that I do not need to rent them.


Card Breakdown


All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Footer image made by splintercell-01

Card prices taken from Peakmonsters

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