Little Vampire: Life Sapper

Life Sapper.png


Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

I'm here again for this week's Share Your Battle Challenge with the featured card: Life Sapper. It's a Death element magic card from the Chaos Legion series. At level 1, it only has 2 health but as long as you can keep this card from play, this card will gain +1 health every time that it inflicts damage to the opponent for the cost of only 3 mana.

Before we proceed with the battle, let us explore more about this card.


Life Sapper

Life Sapper.png

Mana Cost3
EditionChaos Legion
ElementDeath.png Death
Attack Typemagic.png Magic
Abilitiesability_life-leech.png Life Leech, ability_redemption.png Redemption
Regular Foil
Burn value
20 DEC per BCX
Gold Foil
Burn Value
500 DEC per BCX


Life sappers are in between life and death. One side of their body is ghostly while the other is alive and well. They are neither fully living nor dead. They feed off the energies around them, and simply being within view of a Life Sapper will make you feel sick and weak. They siphon energy from their victims, slowly weakening and sickening them while simultaneously healing themselves.

“Paladins, clerics, and healers of the world don't bother trying to save a Life Sapper as it may be the last thing you'll do. Hold dear to your worldly bodies and pray to whichever gods you know that you do not become lost in the in-between.”

-- Malaus Dawnforge, University of Illumination Priest

Card Stats

Life Sapper_stats.png

Card Prices

Card Foil
Life Sapper_lv1.png
Life Sapper_lv2_gold.png
Market Price
$ 0.160 USD
$ 2.273 USD
Rental Price
0.100 DEC
5.150 DEC
This are the market price for the Life Sapper by the time that I checked on it and is subject to change depending on when you check for prices. Source: Peakmonsters


Card Review


  • A rare card that only cost 3 mana and can be used in Little League and low mana matches.

  • Magic damage can pass through most armor.

  • Will gain +1 health each time it made a successful attack to the opponent monster because of the Life Leech ability.


  • Low health can cause it to be an easy target for Opportunity monsters.

  • Very vulnerable against monsters with Magic Reflect.

Life Sapper is a rare magic card from the Death element with the cost of only 3 mana. It's suitable to use in low mana battles and as long as you keep it protected from attacks, it can be a headache for the opponent because it has the Life Leech ability which allows it to gain +1 health each time it gets a successful hit to the opponents health. At level 1, it has 1 magic damage which will only go up to 2 at the max level. Its speed and health will also go up from 2 to 4 at the highest level but it will unlocked the Redemption ability by which it will inflict 1 damage to all the opponent monster when it is defeated.

To utilize this card the most, it is best to place it as far to the first position as possible so it can take its time to build up its health so it can sustain itself by the time that it goes first but be cautious of Opportunity monsters cause it is an easy target for them


Battle Conditions and Team Line- up


Rule Set

Gold League
Wild Format
18 Mana Cap
Available Elements Earth, Fire, Water, Earth. Life, Death, Dragon
Aim True
Melee and Ranged attacks always hit their target.
The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.

Opponent's Line-up

CardPositionMana CostDescription
Alric Stormbringer_lv5_small.pngSummoner3Alric Stormbringer is a Rare summoner that gives +1 magic to all ally monsters.
Monster Cap: Common- 6, Rare- 5, Epic- 4, Legendary-3
Lord Arianthus_lv3_small.png1st5Lord Arianthus is an non-damage monster that at level 3 has the Shield ability which reduces melee and range damage, Void, to reduce magic damage, Magic Reflect to return magic damage and Thorns to inflict 2 damage to melee monsters attacking this card.
Kelp Initiate_lv3_small.png2nd2Kelp Initiate is level 3 non- damage monster that has Cleanse ability which removes all the negatove status effects on the fisrt position monster.
Albatross_lv6_small.png3rd1Albatross is a non-damage monster that at level 6 has the Flying ability which gives it 25% dodge chance and Tank Heal that can heal the first position monster.
Mermaid Healer_lv4_small.png4th3Mermaid Healer is a magic card which at level 4 has the Strengthen ability which gives all ally monster +1 life as long as its in play and Triage that can heal back- line ally that has the most damag.
Furious Chicken_lv5_small.png5th0Furious Chicken at level 5 became a melee monster and has the Enrage which increase the attack and speed of this card by x1.5 when it receives damage.
Doctor Blight_lv3_small.png6th4Doctor Blight is a magic monster that at level 3 has the Coumouflage which prevents this card from being attacked until it gets to the first position, Affliction which prevents opponents to heal, Poison which deals -2 poison damage to the afflicted monster at the end of every round and Scavenger that will allow it to gain + 1 health every time a monster was defeated.
Total Cost18

My Team

CardPositionMana CostDescription
Thaddius Brood_lv6_small.pngSummoner4Thaddius Brood is a Rare summoner that gives -1 magic and - 1 health de- buff to all opponent monsters.
Monster Cap: Common- 8, Rare- 6, Epic- 5, Legendary-3
Furious Chicken_lv3_small.png1st0Furius Chicken at level does not have ability but it gains melee attack
Creeping Ooze_lv4_gold_small.png2nd1Creeping Ooze at level 4 becomes a melee monster and has the Slow ability which reduces all opponents speed by -1.
Undead Priest_lv6_small.png3rd2Undead Priest at level 6 is a magic monster that has the Weaken ability that reduces the health of all opponent monsters by -1 and Slow ability which reduces all opponents speed by -1.
Venari Bonesmith_lv6_small.png4th4Venari Bonesmith at level 6 is a magic monster that have Life Leech which allows it to gain +1 health every time it gets a successful damage to the opponents health and has the Poison which will deal -2 poison damage to the afflicted monster at the end of every round.
Life Sapper_lv6_small.png5th3The featured monster of the week, Life Sapper also has the Life Leech which allows it to gain +1 health every time it gets a successful damage to the opponents health
Doctor Blight_lv3_gold_small.png6th4Doctor Blight is a magic monster that at level 3 has the Coumouflage which prevents this card from being attacked until it gets to the first position, Affliction which prevents opponents to heal, Poison which deals -2 poison damage to the afflicted monster at the end of every round and Scavenger that will allow it to gain + 1 health every time a monster was defeated.
Total Cost18


Battle Phase


Because of the Equalizer rule set, the default life of all the monsters will be based on the health of the monster with the highest health which is the Lord Arianthus from the opponent team. The battle started by the summoners activating their effects. Alric Strombringer gives +1 magic damage but my Thaddius Brood has offset his ability and instead reduce the life of the opponents monster by -1. Next to activate was the Weaken and Slow from Undead Priest which further that further reduces the health of the opponent team while also reducing thier speed by -1 but then the Mermaid Healer offset the additional life loss using its Strengthen ability.


At the end of the first round, none of the monsters was defeated but you can see that the monster on my side was mostly in read because of the Magic Reflect and Thorns of Lord Arianthus and because of it's Void and Shield, I was only able to inflict minimal damage to it. Good thing that my Doctor Blight was able to land a Poison because Kelp Initiate will only Cleanse the Poison by Venari Bonesmith due to it being faster.


In round 2, my Furious Chicken was taken down an now, all of my monsters were in red but Lord Arianthus Arianthus has only 2 health and before the 3rd round starts, the Poison will take effect and it will go down.


On round 3, Kelp Initiate has gone down and my monsters started to grow their life through the life that the leech but also the two Doctor Blight's as their Scavenger ability kicks in.


At round 4, both Albatross and Creeping Ooze was defeated so the opponent were able to regain +1 speed. Thanks to Life Leech of both Life Sapper and Venari Bonesmith, theyboth have 10 health now and there is not nuch difference between the health of both Doctor Blight's.


On round 5, Mermaid Healer was defeated which means the Strengthen was deactivated and the opponent was back with -2 health.


At round 6, Undead priest was down so the opponent was now only deducted with -1 life from Thaddius Brood but the opponent only has their Doctor Blight left with 15 health.


The battle lasted for another two rounds and by the 9th round, the opponent was finally down. Life Sapper ended up with 14 health just like Doctor Blight


Here is a replay of the battle which you can also watch at 3Speak or at Splinterlands.


Did your Strategy Work?

At first, it would seem that my line- up was in a disadvantage because of the Magic Reflect since my team was magic- focused but because the Life Sapper and Venari Bonesmith are just leeching back the reflected damage, my line- up was able to slowly chip away the life of Lord Arianthus and when he is out of the picture, it becomes easier for these two to leech life from the opponent and that is what it leads to my victory.


Do You Like Life Sapper?

Life Sapper is a monster that has the ability to grow it's health which provides longevity and survivability for the card and for that, it is one of my favorite card to use on low mana battles but even in high mana battles, as long as I have 3 more mana and a slot left, given the right situation, I will likely to use this card.


What will you try differently next time?

Summoner1st Pos2nd Pos3rd Pos4th Pos5th Pos6th Pos
to fill in
to fill in
Undead Priest_lv6_small.pngLife Sapper_lv6_small.pngVenari Bonesmith_lv6_small.pngDoctor Blight_lv3_gold_small.png

I would likely use it for similar situation but this time I want to try it with the new Death summoner Dallan to know how well Cripple will synchronize with this team as it will add another life- nerf to the opponent that I will be facing.


Final Thoughts

When Choosing cards with low mana cost, we always prioritize it's health before anything else because if it's a cards that can be taken in one hit, then no matter how high is it's attack, then it will have no use when it got hit by the opponent but Life Sapper's ability to grow health as time passed is a great asset that can help you to win every match for such a low mana cost. But then like I said before, you should be prepared and have something that can protect it while it's still building -up its life.



All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Footer and text divider image made by @splintercell-01

Card prices taken from Peakmonsters

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

Card and battle stats from Summonerlab

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