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Exploring the Chaos: Neutral Soulbound Rewards

Neutral Soulbound Rewards.png


Hi! @saydie here playing Splinterlands everyday.

This is Exploring the Chaos where I take a look on Chaos Legion cards including thier subsets such as Riftwatchers and the Reward cards, as they brought new abilities and strategies that changes how the game was played.

Last time, I have talked about the old card rewards that we usually get on our daily and season chest and how they were used as well as their importance to the meta. Now, I will be reviewing the new Soulbound rewards card which replaces them, offering new possibilities to the game and for this post, I will be taking a look at the Neutral Soulbound Rewards.

07-neutral.png Neutral Soulbound Rewards 07-neutral.png

Gobson Bomber

EditionSoulbound Reward
Mana Cost7
Element07-neutral.png Neutral
Card Type00-ranged.png Range
Abilitiesrecharge.png Recharge
camouflage.png Camouflage
piercing.png Piercing
fury.png Fury
RF Burn ValueUnavailable
GF Burn ValueUnavailable

Card Stats


  • Recharge deals 3x damage to the target in exchange of Gobson Bomber to only be able to attack every other turn.

  • Camouflage prevents Gobson Bomber to be unable to be attack directly until it gets to the 1st position.

  • Piercing deals the extra damage to the armor to the targets health.

  • Fury deals double damage to an opponent with Taunt.

Cards Printed


Damacke Orc

EditionSoulbound Reward
Mana Cost6
Element07-neutral.png Neutral
Card Type00-melee.png Melee
Abilitiesshield.png Shield
retaliate.png Retaliate
thorns.png Thorns
RF Burn ValueUnavailable
GF Burn ValueUnavailable

Card Stats


  • Shield reduces the damage to Dumacke Orc against melee and range attacks.

  • Retalitate allows Dumacke Orc to attack back on melee monster that attack this card.

  • Thorns deals damage to any melee monster that attacks this card.

Cards Printed


Venari Marksrat

Mana Cost3
Element07-neutral.png Neutral
Card Type00-ranged.png Range
Abilitiesmartyr.png Martyr
snare.png Snare
shatter.png Shatter
RF Burn ValueUnavailable
GF Burn ValueUnavailable

Card Stats


  • Martyr increases all the stats of the monster adjacent to Venari Marksrat when it was defeated.

  • Snare removes the Flying ability of the target monster.

  • Shatter removes the armor of the target monster.

Cards Printed


Clockwork Aide

EditionSoulbound Reward
Mana Cost4
Element07-neutral.png Neutral
Card Type00-default.png Non- damage
Abilitiesswiftness.png Swiftness
rust.png Rust
strengthen.png Stregnthen
RF Burn ValueUnavailable
GF Burn ValueUnavailable

Card Stats


  • Clockwork Aide increases the speed of all ally monsters with Swiftness as long as it remains on play.

  • Rust reduces the armor of all opponent monsters as long as Clockwork Aide remains on play.

  • Streghthen increases the health of all ally monsters as long as Clockwork Aide remains on play.

Cards Printed


Drybone Raider

EditionSoulbound Reward
Mana Cost12
Element07-neutral.png Neutral
Card Type00-melee.png Melee, 00-ranged.png Range
Abilitiesdouble strike.png Double Strike
shatter.png Shatter
cripple.png Cripple
RF Burn ValueUnavailable
GF Burn ValueUnavailable

Card Stats


  • Double Strike allows Drybone Raider to attack twice every turn.

  • Shatter removes the armor of the target monster under successful attack from Drybone Barbarian.

  • Cripple reduces the max health of the target monster for every successful attack from Drybone Barbarian.

Cards Printed


Print rates of the card was taken by the time of writing this post and is subject to change depending on when you check on it. Source: Peakmonsters, Splintercards

07-neutral.png Neutral SoulBound Rewards in Action 07-neutral.png

Battle 1: Dumacke Orc


Gold Fray Bronze
39 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 01- fire.png Fire, 02-Water.png Water, 5-Life.png Life, 3-Earth.png Earth, 6-Dragon.png Dragon
Equal Opportunity
All Monsters have the opportunity.png Opportunity ability.
The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.
Close Range
Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.

For this 39 mana battle, we have Equal Opportunity, Close Range and Equalizer that makes all the health of the monsters the same and with this kind of rule set Dumacke Orc which originally only have 1 health will copy the health of the monster with the highest health, adding to its armor, makes it a very good tank on certain situations but it also has Shield which was an ability that reduces melee and range damage so makes it more hard to defeat.


Battle 2: Venari Marksrat


04- Diamond 1 Modern.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
25 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 01- fire.png Fire, 5-Life.png Life, 4-Death.png Death, 6-Dragon.png Dragon
Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.
Target Practice
All Ranged and Magic attack Monsters have the snipe.png Snipe ability.
Tis But Scratches
All monsters have the cripple.png Cripple ability.

For the 2nd battle, we have a 25 mana cap match Earthquake, Target Practice and Tis But Scratches and this favors the use of Venari Marksrat because it will die faster because of the rule set damage and will increase the stats of the adjacent monsters which are Celestial Harpy and Void Dragon in this case and since Venari Marksrat has the Snare it was able to remove the Flying ability from Chaos Dragon which makes it damaged from the rule set.


Battle 3: Clockwork Aide


04- Diamond 1 Modern.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
22 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 5-Life.png Life, 3-Earth.png Earth, 6-Dragon.png Dragon
evens stevens.png
Evens Stevens
Only Monsters with even Mana costs may be used in battles.
Briar Patch
All monsters have the thorns.png Thorns ability.
Target Practice
All Ranged and Magic attack Monsters have the snipe.png Snipe ability.

For this battle, we have 22 mana cap with Evens Stevens, Briar Patch and Target Practice for the rule set and so I placed Clockwork Aide at the 1st position since range and magic monsters would not attack this card due to them having Snipe and melee monsters would less likely to be used with monsters having Thorns. At the same time, the Swiftness from Clockwork Aide increases the speed of all monsters which helps Pelacor Conjurer to avoid attacks, being it the monster on the 2nd position.


Battel 4: Drybone Raider



Diamond League
Modern Format
99 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 02-Water.png Water, 3-Earth.png Earth, 6-Dragon.png Dragon
Up Close & Personal
Only Monsters with Melee attack may be used in battles.
Aim True
Melee and Ranged attacks always hit their target.

With This battle, we have 99 mana cap and the rule set includes Aim True and Up Close & Personal which limit us to only melee monsters but since Drybone Raider was a melee monster as well as range monster at the same time, it can be used on this rule set and can attack with range damage as it was far from the 1st position for melee attacks and it can attack twice every turn. Having Shatter also allows Drybone Raider to remove the armor of the target no matter how many it is as it did for Legionnaire Alvar for this match which originally has 9 armor.


Final Thoughts

The New Death Soulbound Reward cards offers new sets of possibilities for the Neutral element with the addition of new abilities they posses adding to the meta as well as the flexibility they poses, being able to be used together with any element. The most notable cards for this set would be Venari Marksrat that allows me to use Martyr on any element and Drybone Barbarian having dual attack type but while also having the Double Strike ability.


Previous Post

Peakd thumbnail.pngDragon Rewards.pngNeutral Rewards.pngFire Soulbound Rewards.png
Water Rewards.pngEarth Soulbound Rewards.pngLife Soulbound Rewards.pngDeath Soulbound Rewards.png

To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

The battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Divider image made by splintercell-01

Card abilities from Splintercards

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