Djinn Apprentice: Fire Mage in Training

Djinn Apprentice.png


Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

I'm here again for this week's Share Your Battle Challenge with the featured card: Djinn Apprentice. It is a Fire Element Magic card that has the cost of 5 mana to use. At base level it has 4 health, 2 speed and 2 magic damage.

Before we proceed with the battle, let us explore more about this cards.


Djinn Apprentice

Djinn Apprentice.png

Mana Cost5
EditionChaos Legion
Elementfire.png Fire
Attack Typemagic.png Magic
Abilitiesability_deathblow_small.png Deathblow
RF Burn Value20 DEC
GF Burn Value500 DEC

Djinn Apprentices prefer to study under more powerful djinn to hone their magic. While not as strong or cunning as others of their kin, they are just as dangerous to untrained warriors.

When the Chaos Legion arrived, it had a diverse effect on the djinn. Not a unified race by any means, some chose to align with the Chaos Legion, some chose to defend against it, and others chose to go their own path and leave it all behind. Djinn Apprentices chose to align themselves with Djinn Inferni, believing in his mission and his vision.


The Djinn Apprentices kneeled before the powerful form of Djinn Inferni. The heat of the volcano was immense, but it did not affect these beings of fire and magic.

Djinn Inferni looked across the row. “Djinn Muriat has betrayed our kind. He has aligned himself with the foul Chaos Legion. He has corrupted the name 'djinn' and all it stands for. We will no longer sit in silence as his darkness spreads. It will take all of us to face him. Will you join me?”

“We will!” the Djinn Apprentices exclaimed as one.

Card Stats

Djinn Apprentice_stats.png

Card Prices

Card Foil
Djinn Apprentice_lv1.png
Djinn Apprentice_lv2_gold.png
Market Price
$ 0.109
$ 1.550
Rental Price
0.100 DEC
4.472 DEC
This are the market price for the Djinn Apprentice by the time that I checked on it and is subject to change depending on when you check for prices. Source: Peakmonsters


Card Review


  • Only cost 5 mana for a magic card that already has 2 magic damage even at level 1 and can gain up to 4 magic damage at max level.

  • Magic damage can directly get past most armors, dealing direct damage to the health of the opponent.


  • Only has one ability that can only be used at gold level cap.

Djinn Apprentice is a magic card for the Fire Element and there are very few magic cards that has 2 magic damage at level 1 and it is of the rare quality meaning it can be used when epic and legendary monsters are banned from the rule set. It can also be even more powerful at max level where it doubles it's magic and speed. It gains the Deathblow ability at level 6 which is the max level cap for gold but aside from this, it has no more abilities that can be unlocked.


Battle Conditions and Team Line- up


Rule Set

Modern Gold.png
Gold League
Modern Format
27 Mana Cap
Available Elements Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death
Close Range
Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Reverse Speed
Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

Opponent's Line-up

CardPositionMana CostDescription
Kelya Frendul_lv3_small.pngSummoner4Kelya Frendul is a water summoner that gives + 1 armor and speed to all ally monsters.
Monster Cap: Common- 4, Rare- 3, Epic- 2, Legendary-2
Djinn Oshannus_lv2_gold_small.png1st8A level 2 Djinn Oshannus has the Void ability which reduce magic damage by half and Phase that will allow it to evade magic attacks.
Kelp Initiate_lv1_small.png2nd2Kelp Initiate is a non- attack monster.
Merdaali Guardian_lv3_gold_small.png3rd3Merdaali Guardian is another non- attack monster but his time, it has the Heal ability that restore damage to the monster on the 1st position.
Axemaster_lv1_small.png4th7Axemaster has the Double Strike ability whichallows it to attack twice.
Pelacor Bandit_lv4_small.png5th3Pelacor Bandit has the Sneak ability that allows it to attack back- line monsters.
Torrent Fiend_lv1_small.png6th0Torrent Fiend is a 0- cost card that acts as a damage sponge.
Total Cost27

My Team

CardPositionMana CostDescription
Tarsa_lv2_small.pngSummoner4Tarsa is a fire element summoner that gives +1 health and melee damage to all ally monsters.
Monster Cap: Common- 3, Rare- 2, Epic- 2, Legendary-1
Antoid Platoon_lv3_gold_small.png1st3Antoid Platoon has the Shield ability that reduce the melee damage by half.
Djinn Apprentice_lv2_small.png2nd5Djinn Apprentice is the featured monsters for this week's battle challenge.
Magi of Chaos_lv2_small.png3rd6Magi of Chaos is another magic monster which is the last week's featured monster.
Tenyii Striker_lv2_small.png4th5Tenyii Striker is a melee monster that has the Sneak ability to attack back- line monsters.
Uraeus_lv1_ small.png5th3Uraeus is a melee monster that has the Sneak ability to attack back- line monsters.
Scorch Fiend_lv1_small.png6th0Scorch Fiend is a 0- cost card that acts as a damage sponge.
Total Cost27


Battle Phase


Under the Reverse Speed ruleset, the priority of attack goes to the monsters with lower speed and with that, I choose the Fire summoner Tarsa because it does not give a speed buff and I can have a diverse line- up of slow melee and magic monsters as it gives + 1 health and melee damage. The opponent on the other hand has a a level 3 Kelya Frendul that though its level was higher than my summoner, it gives a +1 speed buff to ally monsters that puts it at a disadvantage but at the same time, the +1 armor from this summoner also adds additional protection to my opponent's team.


Even with the Phase and Void ability, the chance that Djinn Oshannus to evade magic attacks from my Djinn Apprentice because it is way slower than him but it keeps on being healed by Merdaali Guardian so the main damages that I can deal with this team lies with the Sneak attack from Tenjii Striker and Uraeus which already took down Scorch Fiend on round 1.


On round 2, Pelacor Bandit was down and we can see that Djinn Oshannus also recieves some damage since it's armor was broken.


Despite being fast Axemaster was able to hit Antoid Platoon, taking it down and Djinn Apprentice and added with the magic attack of Djinn Oshannus, it recieves large damage.


At this round, Djinn Apprentice was taken down but there will also be no Axemaster to deal Double Strike anymore.


At round 5, we were also remove Merdaali Guardian meaningDjinn Ohsannus cannot receive heal anymore.


My team also take down Kelp Initiate at round 6 which leaves only Djinn Oshannus for the kill.


Fast forward to round 8 is where we finally able to defeat Djinn Oshannus. we did not have Djinn Apprentice anymore but it somewhat serve as a cannon- fodder while attacking monster at back.


Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at 3speak or in Splinterlands.


Did your Strategy Work?

I still won the battle but my strategy does not work out as what I imagined since Djinn Apprentice was taken down halfway but that is also because many of the elements are available and I need to be wary of every element and there is a very little use case for the card on it's current level.

Do You Like Djinn Apprentice

Djinn Apprentice might be lacking on abilities but as a magic card that can directly attack a monster's health, this was still a card of consideration and if we happen to play it on gold level cap is where it starts to be more functional as a card to counter against Last Stand combos.


What will you try differently next time?

Delwyn Dragonscale_lv8_small.pngDjinn Apprentice_lv6_small.png

As this was another magic monster, I would like to pair it with Delwyn Dragonscale on a gold league where it has the Deathblow ability.


All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Footer and text divider image made by splintercell-01

Card prices taken from Peakmonsters

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

Card and battle stats from Summonerlab

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