Splinterlands: My Journey from Novice to Champion-I from 2019


In April 2019, I embarked on a thrilling adventure in the digital realm of Splinterlands. This blockchain-based trading card game has not only become a source of entertainment but has also transformed my life in unexpected ways. Over the years, I've witnessed the game's evolution, accumulating a collection of over 650,000+ power and reaching the pinnacle of success in the Champion-I league. This blog chronicles my journey, from the early battles to my current standing as a seasoned player.

The Beginning:

As a newcomer to Splinterlands, my initial battles were filled with excitement and a desire to understand the game's intricacies. Little did I know that this virtual world would soon become a significant part of my life. With each battle, I honed my skills and gradually climbed the ranks.

Early Achievements:

In the early stages, I dedicated myself to mastering the game, achieving a remarkable milestone by reaching rank 108 in the Wild format. Back then, the rewards were not as lucrative as they are today, but the thrill of competition was more than enough to keep me engaged. Winning tournaments added to the sense of accomplishment and fueled my passion for the game.

Becoming a Professional Player:

As I delved deeper into Splinterlands, I transitioned into a more professional approach, strategically building my collection and participating in high-stakes battles. The game provided entertainment and became a lucrative source of income. The joy of earning in-game assets became a driving force behind my dedication to the virtual battlefield.

The Collection:

My collection boasts rare and valuable assets, including Beta packs that hold sentimental value and will never be sold. The strategic decision to hold onto untamed bags and orbs has proven to be a wise investment, contributing to the overall growth of my in-game wealth. The Chao Legion series, a testament to my journey, symbolises my progress and achievements within the Splinterlands community.

My card collection has more than 1 million DEC

Life Beyond Splinterlands:

The earnings from my Splinterlands journey have transcended the virtual realm, impacting my life meaningfully. Diversifying these earnings into various avenues has allowed me to secure a stable financial foundation. The lessons learned from Splinterlands, strategic and economic, have become valuable assets in my real-world endeavours.


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Conclusion of my journey

Splinterlands has been more than just a game for me; it has been a transformative journey that has shaped my skills, provided financial stability, and created lasting memories. From the early battles in 2019 to reaching the pinnacle of the Champion-I league, every step in this journey has been a testament to dedication, strategy, and the incredible opportunities that can arise in the world of blockchain gaming. As I continue my adventure in Splinterlands, I look forward to what the future holds and the new horizons this captivating game may unlock.

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