New Monster added in family : splinterlands

Level 1 Immune Power good for specific battle in which poison is used

I was so excited when I bought this card, this card is very useful card in some battle and that's why I was looking this card more to accumulate. I was beaten and loss so many battle since the opponent used this card and the battle criteria was poisoned with no healing power. This card is ultimate for such kind of battles.

Monster Epic Forgetten One


For countless eons, deep within the fiery depths of ancient caverns, a colossal beast had been kept dormant, a weapon forged in the shadows of a long-forgotten conflict, a war that had been buried beneath layers of memory and myth.

From the decaying pages of an arcane manuscript, malevolence and fury were channeled by the High Magus of the Crypteia. The ominous pact was sealed with a sharp flint cutting across his palm, and the ritual of summoning was culminated, bringing forth the mighty infernal homunculus known as the Forgotten One.

As the colossal creature emerged from the blazing abyss, unbridled freedom was granted to it by the Magus, and it was armed with a colossal blade towering twice the height of any mortal. Within those infernal depths, it is now dwelt, where its kin are brought into existence, and the dark knowledge of their creation is passed down. It remains forever bound to serve the Magus as an agent of Chaos.

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