Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Rise of the Commons / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルール: Rise of the Commons

Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

Why CHAOS ANIMATOR? Her image is Amplify, so I thought Up to Eleven rule was more appropriate, but it's still no good because Up to Eleven would duplicate her ability and make no sense.

何故に CHAOS ANIMATOR ?彼女のイメージはAmplifyなのでどっちか言うと Up to Eleven ルールのほうがあってると思ったけど、Up to Elevenだと能力が重複して意味がないからやっぱり駄目だね。


Rise of the Commons

Now, the Rise of Commons rule, which is the theme of this issue, does not allow for the use of commonly used monsters. For example, DJINN OSHANNUS, TUSK THE WIDE, and so on.
However, I think the hardest part for me is not being able to use URAEUS.

さて、今回のテーマの Rise of Commons ルールですがよく使われるモンスターが使えないんですよね。 DJINN OSHANNUS だったり、 TUSK THE WIDE だったり。
でも、私的に一番つらいのは URAEUS が使えないことかな。

I always build my decks with a lot of Sneak and Oppotunity, so it's hard to lose him. 3 cost and 2 attack points for Sneak is still very strong. He even has armor, so he's so strong.
It is very inconvenient that URAEUS can't be used in this rule. What monster can be used instead?

そんな便利な URAEUS が使えないのがとても不便なこのルール。代わりになるモンスターはと言えば。

Rebellion Senak Monster

All of the Sneak and Opportunity monsters increased by Rebellion are excellent.
Especially the above two are very useful in low-cost games.
I think there will be more occasions to use them in combination under the Rise of Commons rule since Sneak and Opportunity monsters have been added in addition to these two cards.

この2枚のほかにもSneakとOpportunity のモンスターが追加されているのでRise of Commons ルールの場合は組み合わせて使う場面が増えるんじゃないかな?


I also introduce the recently popular CHAOS JAILER because it is also very strong.
In addition to Opportunity, it has Ambush and Poison, so it can strike a blow to the enemy with the lowest HP before the battle starts, and if it can be poisoned, it will do 2 more points of poison damage. The targeted monster cannot do anything and is sure to die. With Bronze, there are a lot of monsters with low HP.

また、最近人気の CHAOS JAILER も強いからちょっと紹介。

Yeah, Death is still strong, 3 Sneak and 2 Oppotunity.
One of them is Legendary, so I can't use it in this rule.



So, this is the battle. Your opponent is using FENMOOR HAUNT right away.

ということで、このバトル。相手はさっそく FENMOOR HAUNT 使ってますね。


I use DIEMONSHARK on the tank and DEEPLURKER on the attacker. I also use MAR TOREN SEEKER with Snipe from REBELLION.

私のほうは DIEMONSHARK を壁に DEEPLURKER で 中から狙っていく構成。リベリオンからSnipe持ちの MAR TOREN SEEKER も採用しています。

DEEPLURKER and MAR TOREN SEEKER won overwhelmingly by crushing the weak points in order.
MAR TOREN SEEKER is very strong! He is more evasive than I expected. Maybe I just got lucky in this battle, but I think it will be a candidate for an evasive shield for the tail section in the future.
I still have a lot to learn about Rebellion's cards.

DEEPLURKER と MAR TOREN SEEKER で弱いところから順につぶしていって圧倒的勝利。
いや、 MAR TOREN SEEKER 強いな!思った以上の回避力。たまたまこのバトルで運が良かっただけかもしれないけれど、今後は最後尾用の回避盾の候補に入るね。4コストだからLittle Leagueでも活躍するかも。

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