Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Little League / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルールセット: Little League

Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

Little League's rule is that only cards with a cost of 4 or less can be used, but the tanks I usually use have a large cost, so the question is what to use instead.
I usually end up using Xenith Monk because it becomes too much of a hassle.
I think a monster with Shield or Void would be better, but I can't think of anything like that.

Little Leagueはコスト4以下のカードしか使用できないルールですが、普段使うタンクはコストが大きめなので何で代用するかが問題です。
めんどくさくなって大体が Xenith Monk になってしまうんですけどね。



I was wondering if I should use ANTOID PLATOON since it is Fire, but I am glad I went with MONK. Shield didn't make sense because the opponent's formation is mainly magic attack.
I might have been better off with a monster that can attack magically instead of a HALFLING ALCHEMIST. Is this a consequence?

Fireなので ANTOID PLATOON と迷ったけど、MONKで良かったかも?相手の編成が魔法攻撃主体なのでShieldは意味がないね。
HALFLING ALCHEMIST は 魔法モンスターにした方が良かったかもしれないけど、これは結果論かな?

The opponent is organized with 4 magic attack monsters in a row while adding Armor with KELYA FRENDUL to increase durability.
We use DOCTOR BLIGHT to stop them from recovering, and HALFLING ALCHEMIST to lower their attack power.
But the opponent has no monster with more than 2 attack power, so ALCHEMIST should have been a magic monster.

相手は KELYA FRENDUL でArmorを追加して耐久度を上げつつ、魔法攻撃モンスターを4体並べている編成。
こちらは DOCTOR BLIGHT で回復を阻止しつつ、 HALFLING ALCHEMIST で攻撃力を下げる。


I was thinking about it, but I'm still glad I included HALFLING ALCHEMIST ! They lowered it right after MUSA SALINE's magic attack power went up. If I had failed to lower it here, it might have been a little dangerous.

と、思っていたけどやっぱり入れてよかった HALFLING ALCHEMIST ! MUSA SALINE の魔法攻撃力が上がった直後に下げてくれている。ここで下げることに失敗していた場合、ちょっと危なかったかもしれない。


At the beginning of the 4th turn, MONK was killed by a magic attack, but I was able to win thanks to his persistence while recovering with Heal.
MUSA SALINE, whose HP had been increased by Scavenger, was hard and difficult to defeat, but I defeated him after that and the rest was in order.

ScavengerでHPが上がった MUSA SALINE が硬くてなかなか倒せなかったけど、この後倒してあとは順当。

Magic attack is still strong. I have to counter them, so I want to use monsters with high HP as much as possible in Little Leauge rules. I think it is better to use monsters with void.
I'll look for a Void monster with less than 4 cost...

やっぱり魔法攻撃は強い。対策しないといけないからLittle LeaugeルールだとなるべくHPの高いモンスターを使いたい。やっぱりVoid持ちが良い気がするなー

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