Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Maneuvers / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルールセット: Maneuvers

Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

It is common to put a tank with a lot of HP at the front, but putting a monster with maneuvers ability at the second is useful for an additional melee attack.
Because melee attack monsters are often more aggressive than long-range or magic attackers.



But in this battle, I dared to ignore it and put DUMACKE EXILE second. It's low∼medium cost and I thought it would be more effective to hit him from behind with Sneak.

しかしこのバトルではあえて無視して2番目に DUMACKE EXILE を置いている。低∼中コストだし、Sneakで後ろから殴ったほうが効果的だと思ったんだよね。

The result was a disastrous defeat. The reason was because I was bumped off by DJINN CHWALA's Thorns. I tried to endure with CHAOS KNIGHT in the lead, but it was sunk by CHWALA and JARED SCAR. Definitely the opponent is using the rules better than me.

結果は惨敗。原因は DJINN CHWALA のThornsでボコられたから。先頭に CHAOS KNIGHT を置いて耐えようとしたんだけど、CHWALA と JARED SCAR の攻撃ですぐに沈んでしまった。確実に相手のほうがルールを上手に使ってるね。

As usual, I should have put PELACOR CONJURER in the lead and used the extra mana cost to add more attackers with Senak or Oppotunity.

いつものように、 PELACOR CONJURER を先頭に置いて余ったマナコストでSenakかOppotunity持ちアタッカーを増やすべきだった。

Since there are only two rules, Life and Dragon, DJINN CHWALA should have been expected, and it was a bit too easily organized.
I will have to take this into consideration in the future.

ルールがLifeとDragonの2つだけなんだから、 DJINN CHWALA も予想すべきだったし、ちょっと安易に編成しすぎたね。

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