Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Fog of War / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルールセット: Fog of War

Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Fog of War

Sneak, Snipe, and Oppotunity are disabled by this rule. Basically, you can only attack the first monster. The exception is Scattershot, which is enabled, so monsters with this ability can attack random targets.
So, if you are lucky, they may target the monster you want to defeat.


The basic strategy is to place a monster with high durability at the front and concentrate fire from behind with long-range and magic attacks, since there is no chance of being targeted in the back or center.


Therefore, I often place DJINN OSHANNUS or REGAL PERYTON with high speed in the lead to avoid atack. OSHANNUS in particular is very good because it also avoids magic!

なので、私はスピードの高い DJINN OSHANNUS や REGAL PERYTON を先頭置いて回避を狙うことが多いかな?特にOSHANNUSは魔法も回避してくれるので非常に優秀!


This time, since Earth is available, we decided to strengthen REGAL PERYTON to make it an evasion tank. Since Summoner can do magic +1, if we line up monsters with magic attack, the firepower will be quite high.

今回はEarthが使えるので REGAL PERYTON を強化して回避タンクにすることに。サモナーで魔法+1出来るので魔法攻撃で揃えれば火力もかなり高くなるね。


I think my opponent has a Shield, Void, and Void Shield monster lined up in a durable formation.
It must be a mistake for VENARI MARKSRAT to be in that position when there is no Oppotunity.

対戦相手はShield持ち、Void持ち、Void Shield持ちのモンスターを並べて耐久編成なのかな?Oppotunityが無いのに VENARI MARKSRAT があの位置なのはきっとミス?

I wondered if I would be able to hold out with PERYTON, but you managed to do a great job. Maybe it was the fact that you avoided VENARI MARKSRAT and CARNAGE TITAN attacks along the way.

PERYTON で耐えきれるかなーって思ったけど、何とか頑張ってくれましたね。途中で VENARI MARKSRAT や CARNAGE TITAN の攻撃を回避してくれたのが大きいかもしれない。

I also like MUSHROOM SEER's Silence. Even at level 1, it's still good to have -1 to all enemy magic attacks. It's a pity that it can't be used in Modern, but if you play in Wild, you should have it.

あとは MUSHROOM SEER のSilenceがいいね。レベル1でも敵全体の魔法攻撃を-1出来るのはやはり優秀。モダンでは使えないのが残念だけどワイルドでプレイするなら持っておきたい1枚ですね。

I think Silence is a great and excellent ability, but there are not many monsters that can use it. At the appropriate level of Bronze in the Modern environment, there are 0 copies. Even in the wild environment, I think this is the only one.


This time we could have won. But.
For example, if it had been a magic attack monster instead of VENARI MARKSRAT.
For example, If instead of CHAOS DRAGON, it was a monster without Scattershot.
For example, if it had been a tank with void instead of HARKLAW.
I would have lost.

例えば、 VENARI MARKSRAT の代わりに魔法攻撃モンスターだったら。
例えば、CHAOS DRAGON の代わりにScattershotを持たないモンスターだったら。
例えば、HARKLAW の代わりにVoid持ちのタンクだったら。

There is no end to the possibilities, but it is important to plan a winning strategy that is as stable as possible. If possible, use inexpensive monsters.


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