Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Heavy Hitters / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルールセット: Heavy Hitters

Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

It does double damage to monsters that Stun. Surprisingly few monsters are Stunned though.
RiftWatcher has increased the number of monsters with Stun, but I don't use it much, so I'm waiting to purchase it until the price drops.


I see, there are a lot of monsters with Stun if you are in the Gold League or higher. I only have silver level monsters, so I guess I don't know!




With the Briar Patch rule, you'll want to attack from a distance or with magic. And since the Little League rule is also attached, the composition will inevitably be similar.
But why do I put Venari in the lead? Why? I forget, but is it simply a mistake?

Briar Patchルールが付いてるから遠距離攻撃か魔法攻撃をしたくなるよね。さらにLittle Leagueルールも付いてるからどうしても編成は似てくる。

Both of you are organized to tank RIFTWING and attack magically from behind. I see that your opponent has two Life Leech holders in the game. Both of you have REVEALER in your tanks, so the winner may depend on whether or not Stun is in the tank or not.

お互いに RIFTWING をタンクにして後ろから魔法攻撃をする編成。対戦相手はLife Leech持ちを2体入れてきているね。お互いに REVEALER が入っているから、勝敗はStunが入るか入らないかの運次第かもしれない。

Yeah, it's still luck.
My opponent's REVEALER attack missed two Stuns in a row.My opponent's REVEALER had two consecutive successful Stuns. The difference is too big.If it had been the other way around, I would have lost.

うん、やはり運だね。相手の REVEALER の攻撃は2回連続でStunが入らず、私の方は2回連続でStunが入った。その差が大きすぎるね。

I don't much like attacks that fail at 50% like Stun. It's up to luck. But if your opponent is a better player, you may be able to turn the tables on him.


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