With Chaos launch so many Choices of cards

With Chaos launch so many Choices of cards

Though I still not opened any Chaos packs on my account but by default Splinterland's give the playable but not transferrable starter set of the Chaos Legion cards. Even this starter set contain 57 cards and I think it is a lot of cards.


Actually it really become so confusing and cumbersome to make team because you have to choose with so many cards and with so many cards in the game, game dynamics is also changed.

I found that some of level 1 cards are really interesting as they are giving heal to the team. I am happy there are so many mana 1 cards, that really give me now lot of fillers cards to choose with.

I have find it really interesting how the players are now choosing there team with so many cards and how they are using the abilities of these cards. I am liking the healing ability give by Chaos starter pack cards at level 1 for Earth and Water splinter, For Life , rewards cards at level 1 is already giving the healing ability at level 1.

But still choosing the team become now cumbersome process and I guess Splinterland team should give more option for choosing the team apart from mana and attack type. It will be good if they add filter of card sets too while choosing the team, so one can easily and speedily create the team.

Another filter I like to see in interface on the basis of card "abilities" like Stun, weaken etc.
Currently we have to memorize these abilities but if we get these abilities as dropdown so we readily see those card to create the team.

May be Chaos for few days only.

I guess we are playing the mix of these cards for few days only and once the new game format take place then we might not have so much cards to choose with but till then it will be combination of Beta, Untamed and Chaos cards to give unexpected results in battles.

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