Splinterlands newbie 10 days in !! First end of season rewards video at Silver1 level

Hi Splinterlands fam. This is my first post here.
I started playing Splinterlands now 11 days ago. And am truly finding it fascinating. I honestly have never really bothered at all with playing any sort of game like this ever. But because my husband has been playing it for the past year or so my curiosity got the better of me and I wondered what this game was all about. As he would spend hours upon hours of the day with his tablet playing this game.
When I tried to ask him about it he'd just say it was a numbers game. This explanation didn't satisfy my curiosity so I decided that the only way was for me to try it for myself. So I did.
And last night I managed to get myself up to the silver level for the end of season rewards. I seemed to get through the bronze level quite quickly.
I think this was due to me having a winning streak of 13. I would also like to add that at the time of writing this I had a bit of a loosing streak and am currently back in bronze lol..!! Oh well the only way is up!!
Any help, advice will be greatly received. I'm planning on sharing my Splinterlands journey with you all. Last nights rewards was great for me as I got to open 12 chests which revealed 10 cards and 2 potions. Very pleased with that.
It's a good job that this video has no sound or you'd hear me making strange excited noises as each chest opened..

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