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The burning Pyre is shown in my art. Splinterlands Art Contest! Week-165.

Hello everyone. How are you doing today? Hopefully, you're always healthy. This is my first blog entry. I'm overjoyed since I can now play Splinterlands. As a result, I attempted to draw one of the summoners that I often use, PYRE.

I usually use PYRE since it boosts the speed of my monster by one point. This is my work. I hope you enjoy it and will back me up.

On A4 paper, I drew it. This is how the manufacturing process works. I draw using a black ballpoint pen.

I paint the design with crayons when the process of creating it is completed.

You can see the outcome after applying color. Because I'm not an artist, the color choices still looks unnatural. So, if the outcomes aren't great, I hope you understand.

This is the final outcome after adding the image of the campfire. It was the image after being given a bokeh effect at the start of the post.

That is my art. Thank you to each and every one of you.