Hello, Splinterlands card collectors. Hello and good afternoon.

Join us for the weekly challenge BATTLE MAGE SECRETS once more. In this post, I'll go over the combat rules that you might come across while fighting in Splinterlands. It's difficult to win fights in Splinterlands if you don't know the rules. Because many people still believe that strong cards will make the battle easy to win. However, this is not the case. Cards that do not follow the rules of combat are easily defeated.

As a result, this week's theme is "discussing the rules of RISE OF THE COMMONS". This rule investigates the combat power of common and rare cards.


There are a few things you should be aware of if you come across battle rules like the one above.

Your fight will have the following consequences:

  • Only common and rare cards will be available for selection by the combat team.
  • The game system will conceal epic and legendary cards.

If the other combat rules align with the RISE OF THE COMMONS rules, you should concentrate on those rules to win.


So, let's look at how this rule was applied in the battle I was in:

This battle is governed by two rules: Rise of the commons and close range. Only two elements, the fire element, and the death element, can be chosen. Based on the battle's history, this means that my opponent is more likely to choose the fire element. I then chose the death element and assembled all of the combat teams.

The fire element and summoner rely on melee attacks, but the CLOSE RANGE rule requires you to keep an eye out for archer monsters at the back of the opponent's formation. I built fortifications in both the front and back of my battle formation. With my collection of common and rare cards.

I then chose a summoner formation that reduced 1 point of health and 1 point of magical attack power. I chose the PELACOR DECEIVER at the front because of its flying ability and high health points. Suitable for use as a commanding fortress. RIFTWING is next, which has been upgraded to level 5 and now has backfire capabilities. In the center of the formation is a VENARI BONESMITH with the ability to spread poison. Aside from that, I put the SILENT SHA-VI monster with the sneak ability next to the RAVENHOOD WARDEN monster with the shield bonus skill. Finally, I chose VENARI MARKSRAT as the last fortress to be martyred.

My team is better protected now that they have the shield bonus from RAVENHOOD WARDEN. SILENT SHA-Vi launched the first attack against TENYII STRIKER. The RAVENHOOD WARDEN was then attacked by a SERPENTINE SPY, who managed to tear his shield. VENARI BONESMITH apparently poisoned ELVEN DEVENDER, who has the Shield ability. This was beneficial to my team. Meanwhile, the opponent's attack in the first round only managed to damage my monster's shield. However, at the end of the round, PARASTIC GROWTH used an opportunity attack to eliminate RAVENHOOD WARDEN.

TENYII STRIKER successfully avoided SILENT SHA-VI's attack in the second round. SERPENTINE SPY's attack on VENARI MARKSRAT reduced his health by three points. and by TENYII STRIKER quickly eliminating VENARI MARKSRAT. This activates the martyr effect and boosts SILENT SHA-VI's stats. and the PELACOR DECEIVER successfully avoided two of the opponent's attacks. PARASTIC GROWTH also reduces VENARI BONESMITH's health points.

TENYII STRIKER was defeated in the third round by SILENT SHA-VI, who was becoming faster and fiercer. The same thing happened to me when VENARI BONESMITH and PELACOR DECEIVER were both eliminated by SERPENTINE SPY. So only RIFTWING and SILENT SHA-VI remain.

The ELVEN DEFENDER was defeated by poison of the fourth round . makes RADIATED BRUTE face RIFTWING. Due to her increased speed, SILENT SHA-VI attacked PARASTIC GROWTH first, and avoiding SERPENTINE SPY's attack.

SILENT SHA-VI then attacked SERPENTINE SPY in round 5. RIFTWING transforms into a fortress with high health points in the front. and avoided the RADIATED BRUTE attack, which effect 2 points of damage. So, with those circumstances, SILENT SHA-VI crushed the RADIATED BRUTE at the end of the fight.

The following battle link shows how the battle progresses:




As shown in the battle above, even without epic and legendary cards, the battle can be won. There are numerous common and rare cards with strong combat abilities. You simply need to raise the level. Even if the card is common, if it has been upgraded to a high level, its abilities will increase and new skills will be added.

I was able to provide fierce resistance to the opposing team because I predicted that the opponent's attacks would mostly be melee attacks. So I can prepare by providing extra protection, specifically the shield bonus from RAVENHOOD WARDEN. Aside from that, my remaining personnel were able to finish off the opponent with an advantage in evasive speed thanks to the combination of poison attacks and martyr skills.

Finally, common cards and rare cards should not be considered weak cards because, under certain conditions, they can become great if upgraded to a high level. Also, keep in mind that the RISE OF THE COMMONS rules will only show common and uncommon cards in your battle.

Talk about Splinterlands,
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