Negate The Attack. Enjoy 0 Damage with a Solid Fortress Strategy.

Consider what it would be like to have a solid wall in your battle deck. Yes, you may gain it by using the curse of demoralization and shield together. Even with a level 1 summoner, you can obtain this demoralizing curse. This strategy is akin to fighting a fortress's solid wall.


I participate in a fight with an additional rule, the super sneak. A melee duel involving a significant amount of mana points. This appears to be a direct battle involving melee monsters. Because ranged and magical monsters are exempt from the super sneak rule.

But how to secure my deck? Of course with resources from a starter card and an additional promo card that I can rent at level 1 (rental prices are still relatively cheap at level 1). I chose to use the solid wall strategy. Namely locking attacks from the front and rear. Of course, you need to add another card for the strategy to work. That is the combination of shield abilities.

There are not many cards that can demoralize at level 1.
The neutral card is the Disintegrator & the promo card is the Molten Ogre.

Round 1 Prebuff/Debuff


The ruleset for this fight, as you can see, is super sneak. This allows all monsters in the last row to get attacked. So, at the end of the deck, we'll need to create a solid wall in the form of a monster with a level 1 shield ability. The Living Lava monster starter card and Antoid platoon contain this option. Two monsters with the power to demoralize are also required for a strong wall strategy. As shown in the picture. An enemy monster with a melee power of 3 points poses a significant threat.

Round 1 Post buff/debuff


Monsters with three points melee attack now only have one attack point, as shown in the picture. It will be resolved quickly, even if the enemy has a shield and one ranged monster with snipe ability. Because the solid wall tactic rendered all other monsters' assaults useless.

Round 1


Because enemies benefit from a speed boost, all of their monsters attack first. However, none of the melee attacks appear to be able to pierce the solid wall in in rear my deck. At the same time, the Living lava monsters in front of them stood hard against the attack. Because my monsters have sneak abilities, the Molten Ogre, Disintegrator and Antoid Platoon become attackers as well as reducing enemy abilities.

Round 2


After the ranged monsters are defeated, the opponent is rendered powerless. The front and back walls receive no damage. Victory is close at hand. After get a sneak attack, the opposing monsters fell one by one.


That was the attack that was negated by the use of demoralization and a shield.

To observe the fight and its outcome. You can see it by clicking on the following link: BATTLE LINK

Single line Red.png

Another fight with this strategy. (Ruleset: Up Close and Personal, Mana: 34)

battle 1.png

To observe the fight and its outcome. You can see it by clicking on the following link: BATTLE LINK

Single line Red.png

Then can the solid wall strategy only happen with fire versus water type?
This is a battle against fire-type monsters. (Ruleset: Super Sneak, Mana: 26)
If mana is insufficient, this strategy can also be applied without a front wall.

battle 2.png

To observe the fight and its outcome. You can see it by clicking on the following link: BATTLE LINK

2 line Red.png

Requirements for a solid wall strategy to be successful.
Uses 2 demoralized monsters and has at least 2 monster shield.

Format Battle 3.png

If using 1 Monster shield, placement:
If the fighting ruleset is super sneak, put it behind
If the battle ruleset is normal/Melee Mayhem, place it in front.

The best ruleset using this strategy

Combat-rule_super-sneak.pngSuper Sneak. Put a monster shield on the back. Because the attack will be more to the monsters in the back. To watch out for, magic attacks and ranged snipes. Of the four monsters in the picture above, the enemy monster that has the opportunity ability will still attack the back because it has the lowest health points.
Combat-rule_up-close-personal.pngUp Close and Personal. We don't have to be concerned about magic or ranged attacks. The attack power of all monsters on the opposite side will be decreased. The thorn summoner is one to be wary of. Front and rear shields were still required.
Combat-rule_lost-magic.pngLost Magic. Shield abilities are useless against magic. So with this ruleset, the monsters in front will be able to survive. Stay aware of ranged and snipe attacks.
Combat-rule_fog-of-war.pngFog of war. Shield abilities are placed in front. Stay alert to magic attacks. No attacks on the back of your deck.
Combat-rule_melee-mayhem.pngMelee Mayhem. Focus the shield defense on the monsters on the front. All enemy melee attacks will point forward. Magic attacks also need to be watched out for.
Combat-rule_silenced-summoners.pngSilenced Summoners. This rule will normalize the summoner. But demoralizing will still reduce melee attack power. Stay aware of magic and snipe attacks.
Combat-rule_broken-arrows.pngBroken Arrows. This ruleset is safe from ranged attacks. Keep placing monsters with shield abilities on the front and back. Beware of magic attacks.

A combination of monsters that can demoralize


Weaknesses of this Strategy:
Shield ability Weak against magic and thorn attacks.
While the placement of demoralized monsters in the middle is very vulnerable to Snipe ranged attacks.

Overcome weaknesses.
Use a ranged attack reduction summoner.
Use magic reflecting summoner

Okay, that concludes my discussion of the use of demoralizing and shield abilities in battle. If you ever find yourself in a situation like this, you can try this strategy. It even developed this strategy with monsters other than the fire type.

Please leave your comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoyed my battle!

πŸƒ Much appreciated. Terima kasih banyak. Muchas gracias. πŸƒ

All of the Screenshoot and some text about Splinterlands in this post come from and

Dot Chaos 1.png

Talk about Splinterlands,
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It's free, but you'll need to invest in a beginning deck or buy gaming cards to gain real assets like cards and tokens.

πŸ™ I invite everyone to join Splinterlands. πŸ™
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And I will delegate you a card so you can play in bronze II league.

Credit for Background
Brown Castle Photo by Julia Volk from Pexels
Brick Walls Photo by @deepresearch from Hive Stock Images

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