Double Your Attack Speed. 🏃💨 SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge!


Greetings, splinterlords! I'm here with another round of my weekly share your battle challenge article. In this fight, I'll show you how speed can be the difference between victory and defeat. Using the right cards increases your chances of winning even more.



The maximum number of mana points that can be used in this duel is 27. The card types, on the other hand, are limited to earth, life, and water. Because there is an additional rule of odd ones out, choosing cards becomes more challenging. Only particular monsters are allowed to be used in this combat.

So, how do I organize my squad?
Looking at the history of the enemy's most recent battle, it is clear that the water summoner card is frequently used.
Kelya Frendul, Water summoners that have enhanced shielding abilities as well as increased speed. I should consider surpassing my opponent's speed.

The card I chose was of the earth element, but this was a difficult decision. Because there is no shield bonus & it is vulnerable to snipe- and opportunity-capable monster attacks. As a result, my strategy is to outperform my opponent's speed to attack first.

I chose earth type summoner because of the magical attack and because I have a speed reduction card. So this is the form of my squad.

7.pngThis mycelic slipspawn can taunt as an attack target for an opponent. Because the other monsters in the team don't have shields, I'll need it.
8.pngIf Mycelic has fallen, I'll use a Centauri Mage as my second tier. Centauri Mage can attack first because she has a point speed advantage over the opposing monster. This card can also be used as an arrow attack deterrent.
9.pngAs a speed decrease for an opponent, I use creeping ooze. He may easily be included in the team with the usage of 1 point mana.
10.pngBrownie is an epic card that grants all team members increased speed. Brownie has the same number of mana points as creeping ooze.
11.pngAnother is Reygal Peyton, who has a 5-point speed. Reygal Peyton will undoubtedly be the first to strike.

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After applying all summoner bonuses, the battle conditions look like this.

round 1.png

The first round has begun.
With extra speed points and speed reduction bonuses, I hope to be able to attack the opponent's line first in the first round. At the very least, I can eliminate one opposing monster in the front row. This battle has a summoner boost that adds powerful magic assaults. The opposing monster in the frontline will receive a total of 6 magical attack points. This is capable of defeating the serpent of eld, who is always able to avoid melee strikes. The Medari Guardian didn't have enough time to heal the monsters in the first line due to the attack's quickness i have.

round 2.png

Second round
The flying squid advanced to the front row when the Serpent of Eld was defeated, but the swift attack from my squad team quickly depleted his health points. The merdaali guardian, fortunately, gave healing. So the flying squid can make it to round three.

round 3.png

This is the third round.
In this round, mycelic slipspawn, which had previously served to contain all attacks, has reached its limit. As a result, The mycelic slipspawn health points have been depleted in this round and have been eliminated.

round 4.png

The opponent's attack is meaningless in the following round because the attack is only 1 point of arrow attack. If the arrow is in a leading position, it is unable to attack. My team has already benefited from that rules.



Did my strategies succeed?
The technique I planned was successful. I picked the appropriate monster card. With speed in attack, the opponent's card's health points are depleted before it can attack. Although the opponent receives a speed benefit, the creeping ooze's speed reduction results in a difference in speed points. As a result, I always get the opportunity to attack at the start of the round.

Do you enjoy using "Brownie" and "Creeping ooze" together?
The use of this card is beneficial. Because when utilized together, those cards produce a two-point difference in speed. Aside from that, the number of points required is very low, at 1 point per card.


brownie stat.png

The Brownie card is an earth-type card from the reward series. After combining 46 cards, you can reach level 6, the highest level possible. Swiftness is the basic ability you receive, and it boosts speed for every member of your squad. At level 4, there is also the capacity to inspire (the ability to increase attack power for each team member)

creep stats.png

The reward series also includes a neutral card type called Creeping ooze. When paired with 505 other cards, Creeping Ooze becomes level 10. Creeping ooze's basic ability is to reduce the other team's speed by one point.

So, how do you feel about this card in the battle I described? Please leave your thoughts. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed my battle!

🍃 Much appreciated. Terima kasih banyak. Muchas gracias. 🍃

All of the Screenshoot and some text about Splinterlands in this post come from

Dot Chaos 1.png

Talk about Splinterlands,
If you haven't tried out this fantastic game called Splinterlands yet, I invite you to Join.
It's free, but you'll need to invest in a beginning deck or buy gaming cards to gain real assets like cards and tokens.

🙏 I invite everyone to join Splinterlands. 🙏
If you use my referral link, feel free to let me know.
And I will delegate you a card so you can play in bronze league II.

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