Splinterlands EPIC Card Giveaway


Hello everyone,

Okay, time to give away a card so I will do that first. It was from this post
The winner is.

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Congrats to @arcgspy hope it helps the start of this year for ya.

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Each week I ask you guys a question and you have to answer to win the card. I always read them all but don't always reply. You have to answer the question or you won't be in the draw. I don't care what you say but it has to be an answer that makes sense. Trying to avoid bots.

Market is down just wondering how you are all doing?

The giveaway is only on hive.

I lived through the last big bear market. What did I do then? I just kept blogging and playing splinterlands and gala games and other nft games that I could afford. Then all of a sudden when some of those games went big. I went from a small crypto guy to a guy with a lot of money in crypto. I am not worried but because I am ready to just stack up again one more time and get ready for the next ride up.

Here is the giveaway card.

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Djinn Chwala is strong at low levels and while the market is cheap I will give away better cards.

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