Splinterlands Challenge of the Week: Portal Spinner

This week's Splinterlands Challenge of the Week was to showcase the Portal Spinner from the Life Splinter....

This is a useful card at Level 1 with 2 damage and the randomizing scattershot ability, and with reasonable defence and health, but slow speed being his weakness.

The battle below features a Level 1 Portal Spinner holding his own in a decent victory.

The Rule Set and Line Up

  • Mana cap 23
  • Standard Rules apply (Bronze League!)

Screenshot 2022-07-31 at 11.41.01.png

Summoner - PeakRider

  1. Chaos Knight - a useful mid mana tank
  2. Chaos Agent - snipe and opportunity soak
  3. Scavo Hireling - for shield repair
  4. Portal Spinner - the feature card
  5. Divine healer - for heal
  6. Scorch Fiend - 0 mana sneak and opportunity soak

Did my strategy work?

Beautifully, to see it in action click here!

  • Round 1 - we trade blows, no losses - it's looking good for me as the Chaos Agent's decent health and shields combined with repair and heal mean she's going to last a while!
  • Rounds 2-4 - repeat above!
  • Round 5 - My Chaos Knight finally grinds down the Cruel Sethropod!
  • Round 6 -
  • Round 9 - FINALLY progress - Chaos Knight takes out DeepLurker and then Portal Spinner takes out Ice Pixie
  • Round 12 - It's all over I finally take out my opponent's final two cards with the Spinner suitably landing the final blow, nice!

How important was The Portal Spinner?

He proved to be a useful damage dealer in the end along with the Chaos Agent BUT Scattershot is not so effective against a summoner with plus two shields, and he really needed the plus one damage from my legendary summoner to be even just barely effective.

It took the Portal Spinner 9 rounds to kill anything, because Scattershot meant he distributed his damage to back line cards with shields or missed, but finally at least he scored with the Ice Pixie!

For the most part I think it was my tank with shield and repair heal combination that won me the day and the fact that my opponent split his attacks too much.

Final Thoughts: Portal Spinner - worth buying?

Hmmm TBH I'm 50-50 0 jury is out on the scattershot ability - I think I prefer to be more in control and use sneak, snipe or opportunity.

And it's not a great card for the mana value either.

But it's not a bad card for the mana and scattershot can be just what you need, especially effective without shields and maybe combined with weaken.

So he's not top of my list for purchasing but he's worth considering for sure!

If you don't yet play Splinterlands, why not give it a go?

Anyone using my referral link will receive a free rare card!

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