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Splinterlands 2-3k DEC budget Deck to reach DIAMOND League

Its clear that to make profit in this game you will need a good rank in order to open multiple daily chest and get a good season reward by the end!

Unfortunately it can be quite expensive to buy cards to reach enough POWER for diamond or gold 1 rank, in which where you start getting good rewards.

So I want to share what I've been renting and its been working greatly to reach DIAMOND league!

Here is the fire element deck that I have been using. You can also use Serpent of the flame instead of Serpentine soldier, both are effective to me when it comes to 15-20 mana cap battles.

If you want a legendary fire summoner, I highly recommend Plado Emberstone. very effective for high mana battles and quite cheap compared to Yodin Zaku. in my case I'm quite lucky to snipe a cheap one in the market, but if you found a very cheap yodin zaku, GET IT PAL DON'T HESITATE.

You also need a second splinter to survive in GOLD league. In my case I chose Earth element. Healing is quite OP in this game but pal you need to watch out the history of your opponent if he/she is using a monster that has Affliction ability.

  • Sporcerer and Failed summoner is quite effective for magic and LlamaKron strat.
  • Goblin Chef is useful in GOLD league. you can counter monsters that has a healing ability.

I also rented a Dragon summoner (Brighton Bloom) and some neutrals monsters that can be use in a situation like your main decks are disabled or maybe there's a earthquake rule.

  • For battles with Poison rule, I always use Gelatinous Cube (VERY EFFECTIVE!).
  • I also recommend Prismatic Energy neutral monster, not included in the photo but it is quite effective for magical monsters because it has a magic reflect ability.

That's it pals! I hope you find this post quite helpful.

Time to play the game, THANK YOU!!