Battle Challenge With Gem Meteor

Hello Battle Mage
A warm welcome to everyone who takes the time to visit my blog. I'm most grateful for your continuous support. I bring to you today another write-up from my participation in the splinterlands weekly battle challenge. This week has a neutral monster displayed in the spotlight. The monster in question goes by the name Gem Meteor. Please follow the link to visit the publication in the spt community for the guidelines required to participate in this week's battle challenge.

Meet the Monster "GEM METEOR"

I have always thought I knew all the monsters in splinterlands not until I came across this challenge post having Gem Meteor in it. At least the post has provided me the opportunity to use a new monster. The monster Gem Meteor is a neutral monster, meaning it can be summoned by all summoners. Meteors were of great help when the stars in the sky were dying off. Meteors came to the aid of everyone by lightning the nights. To know more about the story of this monster, kindly visit the lore tab. Moving ahead, let's take a look at how this monster was designed as a splinterlands card.

Design Specifications Given to Gem Meteor

Let's start by looking at the levels of this monster. Very visible in the image above, this monster operates on six different levels. The image also shows how many of these cards are required to attain a particular level

The third column shows the kind of attack this monster uses in battle. As shown, Gem Meteor is a ranged attack monster with the damage number depending on the level of the card. The first two levels cause only one damage on enemy monsters. The third level however got upgraded to two ranged damage, but it didn't end there as level four, five was even better with three ranged damage. The last level which is six ended the show with four ranged damage.

The fourth column displays the speed used for battling by this monster, and we can see in the image, aside from the first level which has four battling speeds, every other level shares the same speed number of five. However, taking into consideration the speed of other monsters, it can be said that Meteor battles at a very high speed.

The fifth column is totally a disadvantage to this monster. Having no armor implies that this monster is exposed and might be easily eliminated if not positioned accordingly. Armors are very important for monsters protection and monsters lacking it are a bit disadvantaged from the ones with it. Although armors are not all there is to monsters' protection.

Health for monsters is quite an important area for the battlefield. The monster Gem Meteor in all levels has a unique health which by number is five. Five as a health for a monster happens to be average, not bad, and not entirely good.

The last to be discussed about Gem Meteor is its abilities. Meteors in its six-level have two abilities, Although only one is common among the six, two got developed in the last two levels of the card. The scattershot ability is the common ability while the piercing ability was later developed in the fifth level. The image also shows these facts.

Rental & Sale Market

In the rental market, Gem Meteor can be rented as low as 0.1 DEC for the first level and an average of 17 DEC for the last level. Gem Meteor is valued at 17 dollars and 47 dollars for the gold foil ones, and this is the cost of this card at the highest level. This shows that this card is relatively affordable.

The Battle

Battle Details
Mana Cap28
Set RuleFog of War: Monsters lose the sneak and snipe abilities
Available ElementsWater, Earth, Life, and Death
Battling ElementEarth Vs Earth

Watch Battle Here

Team Selection

Obsidian is an earth summoner selected for this battle. It enhances the magic damage of magic monsters by an additional one magic damage.

UNICORN-MUSTANGUnicorn Mustang is one card that can be very aggressive in front of battles. This makes it a better monster to confront the battle heads on by leading as the team defender. It gives headaches to magic monsters due to its possession of void ability. It also battles at a high speed and has three melee damage for its first level.



Mycelic Morphoid is a melee attack monster that is versatile. One mana cap possessed by this monster makes it suitable for all kinds of battles. It is however used at level three in this battle which possesses the thorn ability. It is positioned behind the defender to pick up the defending role should the defender be eliminated.

Wood Nymph & Goblin Psychic were both chosen for the same reason. They both have the heal tank ability and will make great support to the defender.



Strategy Behind The Battle

I could say that the strategy was direct. The idea was simply to have Unicorn Mustang defend while the two heal tank monsters assist it with their ability while also battling alongside. One thing stood out from this battle. While all the other monsters focused in one direction, Gem Meteor with its scattershot picked out the enemy monster one after another. The strategy was also an effective one and gave a success story.

My Opinion of the chosen monster "Gem Meteor": I did mention this before, this challenge brought this monster to my knowledge. The monster is absolutely an average one, The advantages of this card can be seen in the battle presented here. The scattershot ability makes the whole difference in the existence of this monster. Personally, having used the card now, I can attest that it is a good card for battles.

That will be all for this week.

Again, I'm hitting the pause button here for this week. I'd hope to see you next week when I hit the resume button

Thanks for Reading

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