Staked 1000 SPS more making it 11K staked SPS!!! 170 Packs of Chaos Legion bought and opened!!!

After accumulating over 1400 SPS thanks to the nice airdrops I have been getting for 150 straight days, today I staked 1000 SPS more...

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My main reason is that actually I am here for the long run and will be keep my SPS staked for long! I believe in this amazing game and I also love it!

11000 SPS staked and will try hit 20000 SPS staked before the end of the drops!!!

For me to keep getting at least 50 SPS per day (drops + staking rewards), I have to keep staking the maximum I can to turn the drops in my favor!

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Chaos Legion!

After the 110 packs from round 1 of the sale...I added 60 more packets to my collection!

I can say that nearly 100% of these packs were purchased thanks to my rental DECs!

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I have some vouchers and 20 more days to go!

I will definitely buy more packs in the days to come! Maybe I will be able to cross the 200 Packs mark!

Let's wait and see how it goes!

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I have plans to get around 500 Packs in a near future...even if I will have to invest from my pocket, I will do it.

I want to have a nice deck with valuable cards that can be rented so that the cards work for me afterwards by bringing me some valuable DEC on a daily basis!

Thank you Splinterlands for building up such a great game which has already changed the lives of many!

Best regards!

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