Testing new Monsters from Rebellion - BLACKMOOR NYMPH

Hello guys, this is my entry to the "Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!". If you want to participate and read more about the challenge, click here.

The Rebellion edition came out last month and with it, there came a lot of new summoners and monsters. There are some meta-changing abilities and gameplay changes too which made it more interesting and challenging at the same time. One of the keys to success in this game is to know all of your units and how they can be best used in the battle. And here is me trying to educate myself and others with these posts about one of the new units that came out during this sale. In this post, we will talk about a Rare Earth unit, the Blackmoor Nymph.

Let's start by looking at its stats in detail.

Blackmoor Nymph


Blackmoor Nymph is a Rare Earth unit that came out during the recent Rebellion sale. It is a low man cost unit which you can use in your lineup by spending just 3 mana and it deals magic attack damage which is quite impressive at this lower cost. It also has enough health that can last for a few rounds, especially with its 'Immunity' ability which can even longer its duration in specific rulesets.

I will show you how I utilised it in one of my battles.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

Position 1
Legionnaire Alvar
Position 2
Bramble Pixie
Position 3
Regal Peryton
Position 4
Queen Mycelia
Position 5
Goblin Psychic
Position 6
Blackmoor Nymph

It was a 40-mana cap battle and only had the "Aimless" ruleset which gives all the monsters the Scattershot ability.

Only Earth and Dragon elements were active during this battle. I went with Obsidian as I wanted to increase my magic attack damage.

Legionnaire Alvar was my tank for this battle. It was a 40 mana battle so I had enough mana to spend on my first unit, that's why I used this battle. It cost 9 mana and had enough health and a lot of armour which was extremely effective especially combined with the 'Void Armour' ability. It also dealt 2 melee attack damage which is not bad too.

Next on my lineup was Bramble Pixie, another melee attacker doing 3 attack damage on its own and coming with huge health. It had the 'Reach' ability to even attack from this second position. All this costs just 7 mana which was very impressive and this added a lot of attacking strength to my lineup.

Regal Peryton was placed in the third position in my lineup. It was the first of many magic attackers in my lineup. It only costs 5 mana but deals magic attack damage with quick speed and good health. Its 'flying' ability helps it dodge many attacks, especially from those of low-speed melee and ranged attackers.

Next in my lineup was Queen Mycelia who is yet another mage dealing 1 magic attack damage. It just costs 4 mana and comes with a very useful 'Protect' ability which gives each of the friendly units an extra 2 armour. This is very crucial in the 'aimless' ruleset as the attacks are much spread out and if every unit has armour it gets tough for the opponent to get through the defences.

Goblin Psychic worked as a tank healer who supported my tank beautifully throughout the battle. It costs 6 mana and deals 2 magic attack damage of its own. But the best part is its healing ability and that's exactly why I used this in my lineup.

Last but not least is the Blackmoor Nymph of course, which is a cheap mage costing just 3 mana and comes with the Immunity ability that helps it survive for longer.

Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

My Strategy

The ruleset for this battle was "Aimless" and I used it to my advantage by giving all the friendly units extra armour so it takes a lot longer to get through the armour. I went with the heavy magic attack damage and that's exactly why I used the Obsidian as my summoner to increase the magic attack damage.

Using two heavy melee attackers as my tank in the frontline was a big part of the strategy too and supporting them with healing from Goblin Psychic.

This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a comfortable win in the end.

My opponent went with a similar strategy. They used the Obsidian too but didn't focus much on improving the defensive capabilities.

The first couple of rounds went hugely in favour of me just because of the extra armour and scattered attacks from the enemy teams. Even their healer, the Goblin Psychic got eliminated right at the end of the first round and everything went downhill from then on.

It was quite clear after just two rounds that this was going to be a clean sweep by my units. They made it look very easy.


As you just saw in the above battle, Blackmoor Nymph plays the role of adding more magic attack strength to your lineup by spending just 3 mana. This makes it very useful in multiple scenarios, especially in low-mid range mana battles. It comes with the Immunity ability that helps it last even longer and is the perfect unit to be used against a few rulesets which gives a negative status effect to both sides.

I recommend it... it is worth a test at least...let me know if you find it useful as well.

Thanks for reading...

Splinterlands is a popular NFT-based play2earn game. If you have not joined the game yet, then you are missing a lot of fun. You can join by using my referral link.



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