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Splinterlands Social Media Challenge | Digital Painting, Boogeyman Card

Splinterlands is a one of the best #play2earn NFT based game. If you have never played this game before, you should try it and you can use my referal link to join now.

Today I made a digital painting of the magic dealing monster Boogeyman in the game, using the open source digital paint and art program called Krita.
This card might not be the most famous card in the game, but I like its design and the concept art.

The methods I used to create this artwork involved:

Creating a LineArt

The first part of any character art is generally making the lineart.So, that did easily in Krita software using a reference image of the card.

Painting/Coloring the lineart

After creating the lineart, I created another paint layer and started filling in the colors using the bucket tools and brushes in the software. Painting is one of the fun parts of the process for me.Although, I tend to experiment with differnet colors, but here sticked with the original colors that are in the refernce image.

Adding a Background

I tried different backgrounds, but ended up choosing this, as the Boogeyman is a magic dealing monster, I choose this backdrop which shows his dark magic powers.

I hope you like my character art, I know there could be lots of things which I can add/improve in this, but hey... I am still learning about digital art will surely become better with time. Until then, stay safe and play #splinterlands.😏