My Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Testing new Strategies with Nectar Queen

Hello guys, this is my entry to the "Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!". If you want to participate and/or read more about the challenge, click here.

We are at the start of another season of Splinterlands and like always we are starting our season with a lot of experiments and learning more about the game and specific monster units. This will help us in this as well as the upcoming seasons. This week, we are focusing on an interesting unit called Nectar Queen. This is a common unit in the Earth element and I know most of you will be familiar with this unit.

I have been using it for a while now but never talked about it so let's talk about its stats in detail.

Nectar Queen

Chaos Legion

Nectar Queen is a common Earth unit which came out in the chaos legion edition. It is a reward card and you can use it in your battle with a cost of 9 mana which is a huge cost so we must be confident about it if we are going to use this.

I had a level 5 unit. It comes with a speed of 4 and deals heavy damage... dealing 4 melee damage. It comes with a huge amount of health (12 HP) which is perfectly justified for this cost. Along with the high speed and the 'Flying' ability it proves difficult for melee and ranged attackers.

These stats make it a perfect unit to be used as a tank. And I have used it in the first position in my lineup as well.

Let's see how I utilized it in one of my battles.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

Mylor Crowling
Position 1
Nectar Queen
Position 2
Fungus Fiend
Position 3
Position 4
Goblin Thief
Position 5
Venari Seedsmith

It was just a 24-mana cap battle and had 2 interesting rulesets:

  • Noxious Fumes - All monsters start the battle Poisoned.

  • Lost Magic - Monsters with Magic attack may not be used in battles.

All except the Life and Death elements were active during this battle.

With the Lost Magic ruleset, I knew it is going to be difficult to choose a lineup as I love to use mages in my battles. I used the Myclor Crawling which gave all the friendly monsters thorns ability. This was very useful as only melee and ranged attackers were allowed to use it in this battle.

I used the Nectar Queen in the first position. As stated earlier, it works best in the first position as a tank because of its ample health of 12 and it comes with good speed and 'Flying' abilities. No wonder I used it in battle where the mages were not allowed so it would be very effective against melee and ranged units.

In the next position, I used the Fungus Fiend. It is a zero mana costing unit, used just as a sacrificial unit. I didn't expect much from this. I used it to shield my next monster in the lineup. It only had 2 health points and was bound to be dead after the first round due to the 'Noxious Fumes' ruleset.

Next was the Uraeus, another melee attacker who dealt 2 melee damage. It costs just 3 mana but comes with an interesting ability called 'sneak'. This attacks the enemy lineup from the last position rather than the normal flow from the first position. This helps add a surprise element to my lineup and my attack. I would have loved to see it have a little more health but an extra armour is good enough I guess, especially considering the cost.

Goblin Thief was placed at the fourth position in my lineup. It dealt 3 melee attack damage and only cost 4 mana to use. This also comes with a 'sneak' ability and helps in getting rid of the enemy monsters placed at the end of the lineup.

Last but not least was the Venari Seedsmith. This was the only ranged attacker in my lineup. Costing 5 mana, it dealt 3 ranged attacks with good speed but its initial health was relatively lower. This was well addressed by its ability called the 'Scavenger' which will gain 1 max health every time any monster dies on the battlefield.

Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

My Strategy

With the 'Lost Magic' ruleset and a mana cap of 24, I had to be very careful and use every drop of mana efficiently. As we could no longer use the magic attackers, I went for the Mylor Crowler as my summoner. Now this will punish my opponent if they try to use melee attackers which should make up the majority of their lineup.

I used the powerful Nectar Queen as my tank which should fend off units and stay there for much longer because of its huge amount of health. Also, the speed and 'flying' ability will improve the dodge chances when hit in this battle. So, this battle was a perfect place to use the Nectar Queen.

I included a couple of Sneaky monsters which would surprise my opponent and attack the enemy monster from the back generally weaker monsters are present on the enemy back line which would be easy to eliminate at the start of the battle.

This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a nice win at the end.

As I suspected, my opponent used the melee attackers and I had enough counterattacks in place. The thorn's ability would be perfect against this type of lineup.

Round 1 was back and forth between the two tanks. My opponent went with the Gargoya Lion which also had the 'flying' ability but much lower health than my tank.

Round 2 started with all units receiving damage from the poison and most of the lower health units were eliminated at the start of the round. After this, the Gargoya Lion was heavily damaged and my Nectar Queen quickly eliminated it with a single attack.

Another round of poison damage eliminated all the units except my Nectar Queen and the Flying Squid from the opponent's camp. Again a quick and powerful attack from the Nectar Queen finished the battle and I got an easy win at the end. If not for the poison damage due to the ruleset, it would have been an even more convincing win.


Nectar Queen is a powerful tank in the game, having a huge health and good speed makes it a good defensive unit. But its melee attack is very underrated, it can eliminate almost any unit with a couple of attacks and that makes it very deadly.

Even though it costs 9 mana but this cost is easily justified by its stats. It works well in battles where magic attackers are rarely used. Against melee and ranged attackers its 'flying' ability comes in effect and helps it dodge many attacks easily.

I recommend this unit. Let me know if you use any other strategies and what are your views about this unit.
Thanks for reading...

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