My BATTLE MAGE SECRET Weekly Challenge! Healed Out

Hello there, this is my entry to the latest "Battle Mage Secret Weekly Challenge!". If you want to participate or learn more about the challenge, click here. This week we have to formulate a strategy with the Healed Out ruleset.

RULESET: Healed Out

With the Healed Out ruleset in action, all the healing abilities will be removed including the summoners.

This ruleset is very easy to understand as only the monsters or summoners with healing abilities will lose their ability and all other things will work normally. So, it is not wise to use monsters which have Heal, Tank Heal or Triage monsters as they will be useless and we should consider using other units to utilize all the mana.

Let's see how this ruleset affects my lineup and how I strategies for the following battle.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

Keyla Frendul
Position 1
Djinn Oshannus
Position 2
Position 3
Noxian Rebel
Position 4
Daigendark Surveyor
Position 5
Torrent Fiend

It was just a 21-mana cap battle and only had the "Healed Out" ruleset.

All elements except Fire and Earth were active during this battle. I went with the Keyla Frendul which gave all the units extra armour and +1 speed.

I used the Djinn Oshannus as my tank. It is a heavy hitter, dealing 2 magic attack damage with incredible speed and comes with a lot of health. It justifies its 8 mana costs with its stats. The 'Void' and 'Phase' abilities make it even more useful and help it last even longer during the battle.

The next unit was Uraeus, another powerful attacker dealing 2 melee attack damage and comes with sneak abilities which can surprise my enemy.

Noxian Rebel was used in the third position as it comes with a 'Weapon Training ability' and can grant attack damage to the adjacent unit and I wanted to use a cheaper unit in the next place which comes with no attacks. It has less health and that's why it should be placed somewhere in the middle to stay away from direct attacks.

Next in my lineup was Daigendark Surveyor. It just costs 2 mana and comes with a magic reflect ability and a good amount of health so it can last much longer. Also, it would get the benefit of weapon training and have magic attack damage.

In the last position, I had a zero mana unit, Torrent Fiend, because I was out of mana by this point. I didn't expect much from this one.

Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

My Strategy

Since this was only a 21 mana cap battle with not so restrictive ruleset. I went with the Keyla Frendul to give my units extra speed and more protection.

Having a strong tank at the front of the lineup was an important part of my strategy and I used the Djinn Oshannus for that as it is effective against any attack type, even magic too.

I couldn't support it with heal because of the ruleset but I sure could add more attacking strength to my lineup and hope the tank survives long enough and the rest of the units can take out the enemy lineup.

This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a comfortable win at the end.

My opponent went with an interesting strategy as they wanted to use a gladiator unit and spent most of their mana on achieving that. But sadly it was in the first place and I used many magic attackers who ignored its armour.

Their Hugo Strongsword managed to survive the first round easily but couldn't take the beating in the second round while my Djinn Oshannus was much stronger and had much more health and extra speed to dodge multiple attacks.

After their tank was gone, it became quite easy to get through the lower health units. All of them fell one after the other and they couldn't even get through my tank.

The battle went on for a few more rounds but both of us knew what will be the results. I registered an easy win and the MVP has to be the strong tank at the front of the lineup.


Healed Out is a simple ruleset and easy to understand. I just treat it like a standard ruleset and don't use units whose healing abilities have been removed. Apart from that, I just play it on the merit of each battle and use the fundamentals of the games that I have learned over the years.

Using a strong and beefy tank at the front of the lineup while giving it more protection like extra armour or making its speed increase will help it dodge many attacks and it will save the rest of your lineup for a longer period. Also, I prefer using magic attackers more as they ignore the shields and directly damage the health which you can see from the above battle.

There could be multiple strategies in this ruleset and it is all based on what type of deck you have. Let me know which one you prefer in this ruleset.

Thanks for reading...

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