Martyr Abilty For Maximum attack - Lost Magic Ruleset

Hello, Everyone, today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Lost Magic ruleset.

I usually battled in the Modern Format Diamond League using my 2 scholar accounts from Balthazar scholar bltzr-wizard-710 and bltzr-wizard-711.

Battle Link

If you want to watch the Battle Link
Video link:


  • Lost Magic, can't use monster with magic attack.
  • Maneuvers, all monster has Reach ability.
    • Reach ability, all melee monsters can attack from the second position.
  • Equal Opportunity, all monsters have Opportunity ability.
    • Opportunity ability, all monsters will attack the enemy monsters with the lowest HP.
  • mana cap.
  • can use Fire, Death and Dragon element.

My Lineup and strategy

  • In the ruleset Lost Magic focus on handling range and melee attacks.
  • In the Maneuvers and Equal Opportunity ruleset we must focus in the Equal Opportunity ruleset because it override the Maneuvers ruleset.

We decided to use the Death element because it has a summoner which gives the ability to increase the evade ability to all our units by 25%. We will discuss more in the lineup and the closing section.

The Lineup we use :

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Astral Entity, Summoner. Can decrease the enemy armor by -2, Give Dodge the ability to ally monsters, and have Resurrect ability.We used this Death summoner because can give Dodge (increase chance to evade the enemy melee and range attack by 25%) and Resurrect ability (bring back one friendly monsters who die). The decrease in the enemy armor will make the enemy easier to kill.
Arkemis the Bear, 1st position, Attacker, Support and Defender. Has the ability Protect, Halving, Forcefield, and Enrage.We put this monster in the first position because it has a High HP and the Protect ability is a support ability that gives all friendly monsters armor of +2, when we are attacked by melee or ranged attack with armor will hit the armor first before decrease the HP. With Halving ability, the monster we hit will decrease the damage by half (round down). The Forcefield is another good defense ability, it will make all monsters who have damage of 5 or more only give 1 damage to this monster, and to increase the capability as an attacker, it has an Enrage ability, if it hit by the enemy and decrease the HP it will increase the damage and speed of this monster.
Drybone Rider, 2nd position, Attacker. Has the ability Double Strike, Shatter, and Cripple.This will be our main attacker. We will combine the Double Strike ability which makes this monster attack twice each round with the effect of Martyr's ability to boost the damage. If this monster attack hits the enemy will lose one max health because of the Cripple ability. This Unit has Shatter ability, if this monster hits the enemy all armor will be destroyed even if it has 10 or more armor. The monster's weakness is slow speed, hope with the help of **Martyr ** boost can hit the enemy.
Venari Marksrat, 3rd position, attacker and support, has the ability Martyr Ensnare and Shatter.We used this monster to boost the stats of the Drybone Barbarian in the 2nd position and Junker in the 4th position. we put it here to make sure that this monster dies first before any monster (due to the low HP in the Equal Opportunity this monster will be attacked first), and the Resurrect ability from the summoner will make the effect of the Martyr ability become double, with Martyr ability If this monster dies all the stats of the monster adjacent to it will increase. The Ensnare ability will disable the Flying ability from the enemy monster who got attacked by this monster, Shatter ability is same ability like Drybone Barbarian.
Junker, 4th position, attacker and support. Has the ability Reach, and RepairWe put this melee monster in the 4th position to get the effect of the *Martyr. The Reach (melee attack can attack from the 2nd position) ability from this monster will be overridden with the Equal Opportunity ruleset. We use this unit because has a Repair ability that gives armor to the unit whose armor has taken the most damage.
Curse Windeku, 5th position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Thorn, Heal, and Slow.We put this monster in the 5th position just in case if the enemy brings a melee monster with the Sneak ability which can attack the monster in the last position (6th position). If our monster in the last position die the enemy unit who has Sneak ability will attack this monster. Has Thorns ability to make the melee monster hits this monster will get damaged by -2 HP. If the attacker monster has Shield ability only gets damage -1 HP. Slow is another good support ability, it will decrease all enemy monsters' speed by -1 giving our monster more chance to attack first and kill the enemy monster. And the most important thing is that this monster has the Heal ability to restore some of the HP.
Pelacor Deceiver, 6th position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Flying, Backfire, and Retaliate.This is our first tanker to face a back attack. If this unit successfully avoids the enemy's attack, it will deal 2 damage back to the enemy's HP (Backfire ability). Also, if the monster receives a melee attack, there is a 50% chance that the monster will attack back the attacker. The Flying ability will give you a 25% greater chance of dodging enemy attacks.

Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

Did your Strategy Work?

Our main strategy is using the Martyr effect to boost the attack of the Drybone Raider and its work. Although the enemy brings high tier monsters like Mantaroth you can see the Martyr effect after the Venari Marksrat resurrects the 2nd time by the summoner Astral Entity our Drybone Raider attack becomes so high with a total of 9 damage from range and melee attack it will give a total of 18 damage every time it attack.

You can see with high damage it kills 2 monsters at once and still attacks the Mantaroth decreasing the HP.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.


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