How to Choose a Tanker When Only Range Monster Can Be Use

Hello everyone, today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Going The Distance ruleset.

I play in the Modern Format Diamond League, using my scholar account from Balthazar I only use cheap cards like Chaos, Reward, and some Neutral.

Battle Link

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  • Heavy Hitters, all monsters have the Knock Out ability.
    • Knock Out ability, does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned.
  • Little League Only Summoners or Monsters who cost 4 mana or less can used in this battle.
  • Going the distance, only monsters with range attack can be used in this battle.
  • mana cap.
  • can use Fire, Water, Earth, and Death element.

My Lineup and strategy

In this battle, we decided to use a Water element because have a summoner who can give all monsters armor, so at least 2 hits are needed to kill our monster if have armor. 2nd reason because It has some strong-range monsters in the Little League.
We will put a low-damage monster with good HP or speed in front and put the high-damage monster behind.

This is my lineup :

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Kelya Frendul, Give armor and speed +1 to all friendly monsters.2 buff from this summoner is very good in this battle. With increasing speed, our monster has a chance to attack first, evade the enemy attack, and hit the enemy. Armor buff is important because can block the damage from range monsters, the enemy needs to destroy the armor first before can decrease the HP.
Angelic Mandarin, 1st position, Tanker. Has Triage and Silence abilityWe use this monster as a tanker although in this position can't attack because with only 3 mana it has good HP. I don't think Triage (Heal Monster not in the first position) is useful in this battle. Silence ability is useless because we don't use magic monsters
Xenith Archer, 2nd position, tanker. Has no ability.This will be our 2nd tanker, same reason as Angelic Mandarin only costs 2 mana but has good HP but low damage. We put it behind the Angelic Mandarin just to make sure this monster can attack before it dies, if we put it infront it may die first before Angelic Mandarin can attack.
Venari Marksrat, 3rd position, Attacker and Support, has the ability Martyr, Ensnare, and Shatter.This monster's main job is to give Martyr ability to a monster behind, it will boost all the stats of the monster in the 4th position. The Ensnare ability will disable the Flying ability from the enemy monster who got attacked by this monster. This monster attack if hit can destroy all the armor of the monster no matter how big it's because have Shatter ability.
Merdhampir, 4th position, attacker. Has the ability Life leech, Cripple, and EnsnareThis is actually our next Tanker after Angelic Mandarin because has the Life Leech ability (every time it attack and decrease the enemy's HP it will add this HP monster according to the damage dealt. So I hope when our monster in the 1-3 position dies combined with the Martyr ability of the Venari Marksrat this monster already has good HP. Cripple ability, can decrease the maks HP by 1 every attack. For Ensnare ability is like Venari Marksrat's ability.
Igor Darkspear, 5th position, attacker, has the ability Stun.Have good damage of 3, and the ability to stun is very good, because of the Heavy Hitters ruleset, although the success rate to inflict upon the enemy while attacking is only 50%. If the enemy got stunned it will skip the turn for 1 round. The Weakness only his speed is not that high.
Kulu Swimhunter 6th position, attacker. Has no ability.We put this monster in the last position because it has high attack and speed, this is our main attacker.

Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

Did your Strategy Work?

Our strategy went well even though the enemy brought a unit that was better than our unit which is Mar Toren Seeker from Rebellion card. Has a very high speed of 7 and also Dodge ability which can increase the ability to dodge enemy attacks by 25%, but luck is still on our side so in the first round Mar Toren was hit by Stun from Our unit Igor Darkspear destroyed his armor and in the 2nd round Kulu Swimhunter hit him which caused double damage with a total 8 damage due to the Heavy Hitter ruleset and killed Mar Toren. Apart from that, Mar Toren has the ability Snipe which attacks our monster Xenith Archer in second place. This makes our tanker Angelic Mandarin survive longer.

After our Venari Marksrat was killed by the enemy's Kulu Swimhunter and boosted the stats of Merdhampir, our Merdhampir advanced to the first position and managed to avoid attacks from Igor, a different situation happened with the enemy Merdhampir which hit by an attack from our unit Igor and gets Stun status resulting in double damage from our Kulu Swimhunter attacks:

I think for this battle we won because RNG/luck was more on our side, even though there were some similarities in the formation, the tanker brought by the enemy were better with a high chance of evading our attack.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.


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