Handle High Damage Attack With Forcefield - Odd Ones Out ruleset

Hello, everyone who love Splinterlands, how are you today ?. I hope you all doing great. Today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Odd Ones Out ruleset.

I usually battled in the Modern Format Diamond League using my 2 scholar accounts from Balthazar scholar bltzr-wizard-710 and bltzr-wizard-711.

Battle Link

If you want to watch the Battle Link
Video link:


  • firefox_mQU48gewN2.png Odd Ones Out, only monster with the odd mana cost can be used.
  • Magic attacks hit armor before reducing health
  • Melee mayhem.png Melee Mayhem, A melee monster can attack from any position, it will attack the monster in the first position.
  • mana cap.
  • can use Water, Earth, Life and Dragon element.

My Lineup and strategy

  • For Odd Ones Out we don't memorize all the units that have odd mana costs so we usually check the unit in which elements are suitable for use in this battle (based on mana and rulesets) if the unit we want to use or important can't be used then we will check with the unit in another summoner in another element.
  • We will focus on handling the Melee Mayhem ruleset. Usually in a high mana battle (52 mana cost) like this the enemy will try using the most high damage unit that's why we decided to use the Earth element because have a unit who have Taunt ability and will only receive 1 damage if the unit who attacked it has 5 or more damage.

The Lineup we use :

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Immortalis, Summoner. Can decrease all enemy monsters' HP by -1. Have Void, and Shatter abilitiesWe use this summoner because having the Void ability can decrease the enemy magic attack by 50% and has Shatter ability that will destroy all armor from the monster we hit with only 1 attack, usually in Melee Mayhem sometimes the enemy will bring the unit with high armor, with this summoner it will easy to handle.
Pelacor Mercenary, 1st position, attacker and tanker. Have Flying, Heal, and Retaliate ability.This is the best melee unit from Earth element we have for this battle with only 7 mana cost but has a good ability Flying ability will increase the chance to evade the enemy melee and range attack by 25%. The Heal ability will restore some HP every round. If an enemy melee unit attacks this monster it has a 50% chance to attack back/counterattack.
Thane Newsong, 2nd position, support. Have Inspire, Strengthen, Swiftness and Headwinds ability.This unit has several good abilities, but the most we need is the Headwinds ability that decreases range damage by 1, when we use the Earth element the weakness is range damage so we want to decrease the damage. Another good ability is Inspire which gives all melee units +1 damage, Strengthen will increase all ally HP by +1, and Swiftness ability will increase the speed of all our units. Too bad this unit can't attack.
Runemancer Florre, 3rd position, attacker and tanker. Not have any ability.Although not have any ability have 2 types of attack magic and range with high damage, especially the range damage. This unit has high HP so suitable for tankers although not very strong due to not having good defend ability.
Spirit Hoarder. 4the position, attacker and support. Has Triage, Dispel, and blind abilitiesWe need Triage ability in this battle to heal our Mycelic Slipspawn our unit who will be responsible for defending against melee attacker In this battle, another good ability is Blind which increases the chance to evade the enemy melee and ranged attack by 15%. The Dispel ability can erase the effect of the buff from the enemy monster in the first position (Swiftness, Bloodlust, Inspire, etc). I put this unit in the middle to protect it from front and back attack because this unit has low speed and HP is easy to die.
Uloth dhampir, 5th position, attacker and support. Have Stun, and Triage abilitiesWe need this monster to Heal our Mycelic Slipspawn in the last position, it will cooperate with our Spirit Hoarder. The Stun ability has a chance of 50% to be inflicted upon each attack. the enemy who get this status will skip 1 turn.
Mycelic Slipspawn, 6th position, attacker and tanker. Have Taunt, Forcefield, and Slow abilitiesWe use this monster because of the Taunt ability, all enemy units will attack this monster if they can. The Forcefield ability will decrease all damage from the monster who has 5 or more damage to become only 1 damage, we count on this ability to survive this battle. This monster has Slow ability which decreases all enemy speed by -1.

Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle, not much ability we can see in this formation because only the summoner has the ability, buff and debuff :

Did your Strategy Work?

yes it work perfectly :

  • The enemy bring unit with high armor which easily destroyed with 1 attack as you can see below :
  • Our Forcefield ability working well, the enemy brings 2 melee units with very high attacks, and with Forcefield it decreases, become only 1 damage :

  • With the help of our 2 healers Spirit Hoarder and Uloth Dhampir our Mycelic Slipspawn does not have any trouble surviving until the end of the battle.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code https://splinterlands.com?ref=poplar-22 to join.


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