Giveaway 2 Riftwatcher - 1 Epic - 2 Rare Card random Giveaways (GA-14) , opening Gold Daily Chest.

Result from the last Giveaway and the new Giveaway is at the bottom of this post. opening the Gold chest . I stop playing in my account temporary but will rent it again today and start playing

My main account poplar-22

Stop playing because can't get many chest in early season. will start playing again today.

My Scholar Account bltzr-wizard-710

Giveaway Result from GA13

Congratulation @engilhramn , @flummi97 , @saydie , @dewabrata , and @bitandi !!

All participants: @jfang003, @txrose, @pregosauce, @monsterbuster, @yorra, @sylmarill, @iceman23, @treefrognada, @bitandi, @saydie, @filuris, @hoosie, @arveno, @fire-born, @daethical, @olaf.gui , @alexis666,@wolcott, @dubble, @dinadan2001, @pulubengdugs, @dtam, @thedoc07, @shawnnft, @pesigolovec, @engilhramn, @emeraldtiger, @outwars, @dk1trade, @gregory-f, @luizeba, @arveno, @treefrognada, @pregosauce, @flummi97, @karwol, @pero82, @mauriciolimax, @rtonline

New Giveaways (GA-14)

  • i will mention to all participants from previous Giveaway if you don't want to mention please comment and said stop it, i will exclude you from the list.
  • Leave any comment below (any will do, no specific format, no need to tag username unless it is different username for Splinterlands game).
  • Bots can't win
  • The reward will goes from left to right when i pick the winner, so can't choose the card (random), because the price for each card is different, one person one entry and can only win 1 card
  • This giveaway will last appproximately 48 hours from now . Before end, I will leave a comment such as Time's Up.
  • i will use Hive random comment picker to choose the winner
  • I will send the card to the winner, before i announce the result.
  • Upvote, reblog is not a requirement but would be greatly appreciated in order to provide better rewards.

Any suggestion ? please feel free to comment, thx.

Credit for my reward image

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