Focus Attack With Support Unit Versus Strong Tanker - Lost Magic Ruleset

Hello, Everyone, today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Lost Magic ruleset.

I usually battled in the Modern Format Diamond League using my 2 scholar accounts from Balthazar scholar bltzr-wizard-710 and bltzr-wizard-711.

Battle Link

If you want to watch the Battle Link
Video link:



  • FabFour, up to four units can be used in this battle.
  • Lost Magic, can't use monster with magic attack.
  • Armored Up, All Monsters have 2 Armor in addition to their normal Armor stat.
  • mana cap.
  • can use Fire, Water, Life and Dragon element.

My Lineup and strategy

  • For the ruleset Lost Magic means that we must focus on handling range and melee attacks. Prioritize to bring a tanker who can handle that type of attack.
  • In the Armore Up ruleset all units will become stronger than usual if we bring a unit that can restore armor, it will restore more than usual.
  • FabFour ruleset we don't pay to much attention to this ruleset just bring 4 unit that best according to two rule above.

The Lineup we use :

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Kelya Frendul, Give armor and speed +1 to all friendly monsters.Armor buff is important in this battle because can block the damage from melee and range monsters, the enemy needs to destroy the armor first before can decrease the HP. With increasing speed buff, our monster has a chance to attack first, evade the enemy attack, and hit the enemy.
Pelacor Bandit, 1st position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Sneak, and Flying.This is our main attacker who has fast speed, great damage, and Flying ability (increases the chance to evade melee and ranged attacks by 25%) This is the tanker that will survive by evading the enemy attack. besides high speed, this unit has great damage, in a low mana battle 4 damage is high.
Tide Biter, 2nd position, Attacker and 2nd tanker, has ability Reach, Reflection Shield, and True Aim.This unit can attack from the 2nd position because has the Reach ability, has good HP and speed, suitable to become a 2nd tanker. Reflection Shield ability will ignore the damage of the Thorns and Blast effect. This monster can't missed because of the ability of True Aim.
Merdaali Guardian, 3rd position, support, has the ability Tank Heal, Repair, and Strengthen.We use this monster to increase the survival of the tanker, it Heal our monster HP in the first position and restores the unit armor with the highest damage. The Strengthen ability will increase all of the ally monster HP to +1. This unit is weak against attack and it can't attack.
Angelic Mandarin, 4th position, Tanker. Has Triage and Silence abilityWe use this monster as a tanker in case the enemy brings a monster with the Sneak ability (attacking monsters in the last position). Triage (Heal Monster not in the first position) is useful in this battle. Silence ability is useless in this battle, it will decrease the enemy magic attack by -1.

Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

Did your Strategy Work?

Yes, the strategy is working although not all. I'm surprised by the enemy summoner who can reflect range damage, and the tanker Dumacke Orc who can give damage back if attacked by a melee attack (Thorn ability). But we still won this battle because the enemy did not bring any support unit that could Heal / Restore armor and the attack did not focus so our unit behind still stayed alive until the end of the battle supporting our tanker in front :

  • You can see the enemy unit Dumacke Orc attacking our Pelacor Bandit while Celestial Harpy attacking our Merdaali Guardian while Uraeus attacking our Angelic Mandarin, the attack split into three of our units while all of our units attacking only the tanker (focus attack), although the enemy tanker is strong because it has Shield ability (Reducing melee and range damage by half) but against 3 of our unit it's still die first.
  • Our Pelacor Bandit in the 1st position is easily killed by the enemy, although it has high speed and Fly ability it can't evade attack from Dumacke Orc, this does not match our expectations. Luckily we bring Tide Bitter this unit is immune from the enemy Dumacke Orc Thorn ability. With the help of Pelacor Bandit and our support unit, Merdaali Guardian who keep restoring the armor and HP this unit can kill the enemy tanker.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

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