Buff the Tanker, Debuff the Enemy and Boost the Stats of our Attacker Give us Victory

Hello, everybody, how are you? Today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Shades of Gray ruleset.

I usually battled in the Modern Format Diamond League using my 2 scholar accounts from Balthazar scholar bltzr-wizard-710 and bltzr-wizard-711. This battle happened this week when I joined the Modern Diamond Format tournament which Splinterlands sponsors.

Battle Link

If you want to watch the Battle Link
Video link:


  • Weak Magic, magic will hit armor first before reducing HP / Health Point, like the melee and range attack.
  • Shades of gray, only Neutral unit may be used
  • mana cap.
  • can use elements Fire, Water, Life, and Death element.

My Lineup and strategy

  • For Weak Magic If we can't use Earth element (has summoner Immortalis who is strong against magic) then we make sure that our unit has armor / use a summoner who can give armor
  • In the Shades of Gray many units are weak against magic attacks, I can only think Grimbaldun unit that has Void ability so can decrease the magic attack by half. But this unit is expensive to rent and buy, so many players do not bring this unit. If the opponent has this unit and you do not, you are in trouble.

Based on that thinking above I decided to use a summoner from Neutral Elemen who can give armor to all my unit. After I checked the history of my opponent I didn't see a Grimbaldun unit from the previous battle, so I assume it's safe to use a magic attack, yes it's weaker in this Weak Magic ruleset but I will discuss more about it later in the conclusion section why I'm still used it.

This is my lineup for this battle.

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Lux Vega, Give speed, armor, and speed +1 to all friendly monsters.This summoner needs a 5 mana cost to use. We need The armor buff, especially for the Weak Magic ruleset. With increasing speed, our monster has a chance to attack first and kill the enemy before the enemy can attack. The increase of HP gives us more chance for our unit to survive the attack which can't be evaded.
Chaos Agent, 1st Position, Tanker, Has Ability Dodge, Phase, and BackfireThis tanker depend on the speed and ability to evade the enemy attack., the stats not so good for receiving attack, low HP easy to die.. It has a good evade ability, the Dodge ability which increases the chance of avoiding enemy attacks by 25%. It Can't attack but can reflect the enemy's attack if the enemy attacks this monster and misses, because it has the Backfire ability, it will deal 2 damage. The most important ability is the Phase ability with this ability this unit can evade the magic attack. Although the ruleset makes magic attacks but
Spirit Hoarder. 2nd position, attacker, and support. Has Triage, Dispel, and Blind abilitiesWe need the Blind ability which increases the chance for all of our units to evade the enemy melee and ranged attack by 15%, this will help Chaos Agent to evade the enemy attack. Triage ability will heal the unit with the most damage which not in the first position, The Dispel ability can erase the effect of the buff from the enemy monster in the first position (Swiftness, Bloodlust, Inspire, etc). I put this unit in the middle to protect it from front and back attacks because this unit has low speed and HP, easy to die.
Clockwork Alde, 3rd position, support. Has Swiftness, Rust, and Strengthen abilities.This unit's main job is to support our tanker Chaos Agent by giving it more speed and HP. This unit has a Swiftness ability that increases all ally unit speed by +1. The Strengthen ability will increase all ally HP by +1, and the last ability Rust will decrease all enemy armor by -2, this makes it easier to kill the enemy.
Xenith Archer, 4th position, attacker. Has no ability.Only costs 2 mana but has good HP but low damage. This is not our main attacker, and although have little damage we hope can help our main tanker to kill the enemy and act as a tanker too.
Venari Marksrat, 5th position, attacker and support, has the ability Martyr, Ensnare, and Shatter.We used this monster to boost the stats of the Xenith Archer in the 4th position and Doctor Blight in the 6th position with the Martyr ability. If this monster dies all the stats of the monster adjacent to it will increase by 1. We just hope that the enemy will bring a unit with Sneak ability (attacking unit in the last position) to kill this unit. If the enemy does not bring any unit with the Sneak ability then Venari Marksrat will only boost the stats of Doctor Blight. The Ensnare ability will disable the Flying ability from the enemy unit. The Shatter ability will destroy all the enemy armor with 1 hit if the attack hits the enemy unit.
Doctor Blight, 6th position, attacker, has the ability Affliction, Camouflage, Poison and Scavenger.Although we put this monster in the last position, monsters with the Sneak ability cannot attack it because Doctor Blight has the Camouflage ability, this monster can only be attacked when it advances to the first position. If the enemy brings a unit with the Sneak ability it will attack our Venari Marksrat. Affliction ability inflicted upon attacking the enemy (50 percent chance) if the enemy unit receives the Affliction status then that unit can't receive Heal again. Every attack has a chance of 50% to give a Poison attack. Affliction and Poison combo are deadly abilities, they make the unit can't heal and must receive damage every round. Scavenger ability will increase the HP of this unit by +1 every time any unit dies.. We hope after moving to the first position this monster already has high HP. Actually, in this battle, this unit is our main attacker all the units in the front act as tankers/support.

Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :


Our strategy supporting our tanker Chaos agent and boosting the stats of Doctor Blight is working :

  • The attack of the enemy Doctor Blight can be evaded twice at round 1 and 2 by our Chaos Agent.

  • The enemy brings a unit with the Sneak ability Uraeus who attacks our Venari Marksrat behind, when the Venari Marksrat dies it boosts the stats of Doctor Blight and Xenith Archer.

Chaos Agent gives enough time for our attacker to kill the enemy one by one while the enemy has a hard time killing Chaos Agent. The boost from Martyr's ability gives more damage to Doctor Blight and Xenith Archer making it our team easier to kill the enemy unit.

The reason why we still use magic as the main attacker in the Weak Magic ruleset is because of Doctor Blight who can only be attacked if moved to the first position while it can increase the HP every time any unit dies.

Buff the tanker stats Chaos Agent and debuffing the enemy unit using abilities like Blind and Rust while increasing our attacker Doctor Blight and Xenith Archer stats work well in this battle.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code https://splinterlands.com?ref=poplar-22 to join.


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