They do be Galloping [Weekly Challenge]



An oldie but a goodie Summoner, Tyrus Paladium has a simple but formidable ability of giving your units +1 armour. It can potentially save your units from lethal especially your backline for another turn. It is comparable with Lorna Shine as both serve the same purpose of having an extra life of sorts.

Build-Around Units

With the Snipe ability plus the damage bonus of being level 4, this galloping star of the show centaur can run over that squishy backline with ease.

The healer of the team makes it harder for the opponent to break our frontline to further extend the damage-train we are in, plus with the added benefit of the +1 armour it can save itself an additional turn from being killed.

No fancy abilities or fireworks this guy just does two thing and it is making that high-health frontliner disappear with big damage in just a turn or two and being efficient with it's mana cost at 4.


VS Keyla Water

I saw my opponent running a Magic focused build during the pre-game tab and I tried by countering it a bit by putting a Clay Golem up front to soak up all that damage while my Crystalsmith can heal him and the 2 Damage Dealers of the team Centaur and Peacebringer can mop it all up. To my surprise he bait-and-switched me with a Melee Backrow Team but with my Summoner's ability it can still soak up the first lethal hit.


VS Sloan Life

During the pre-game tab I saw his history of running Sloan builds so I tried countering it by putting in a Silvershield Paladin in the 1st position and the same general spots for the three build-around units as the game prior. It went as expected I out damage their monsters while soaking up a ton with the tanks Shield ability while my Crystalsmith heals him.


Final Thoughts

Running Centaur really becomes viable when it becomes a level 4 card as that added damage can actually deal lethal amounts of damage to the back row one turn earlier. This build would be a lot better to run in a Fire Yodin deck for the added range and blast buff or a higher leveled Sloan deck if you are in Silver or above leagues.

Feedback would be much appreciated as I am still new to writing this type of content ✌️!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

PeakD Referral
Splinterlands Referral
If you can spare some Power it would be much appreciated, IGN: @poggersdude

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