Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - playmaker1's Growth


Cover image from @splinterlands

Hello everybody in the hive community and to all gamers of hive. This is my entry to the splinterlands social media challenge for this week. This week I will not be talking about a battle or my cards but instead, I want to share the progress I have made in the game so far.

I was looking through my profile, checking out some of my statistics and realized I have come quite far after I started seriously started playing earlier this year. My statistics show I started in December, 2023 but I seriously started playing this year.


Profile of playmaker1

I have shifted most of my playing time to the wild league partly because I have found it easier in the wild league and also because that is where my mentor plays too. I have played a few modern league battles but it has been tough battling with players with very high level cards.

The total battles I have played, as at the time of writing this social media post collectively is about 1000. However, more than 700 of these battles have been played in the wild league. To be very precise, I have played 783 battles in the wild league and won 451 battles. That is more than half of battles won. Is that impressive for a fairly new player?


Battle log showing how inconsistent I am

These wins have seen me currently have a rating of 2920 which has allowed me to currently compete in the diamond 2 rank of the wild league. My highest rating throughout the game has been 3260. My longest winning streak is 14 battles which personally, I am proud of. It is my hope that I can get to a long winning streak of 20. This current season has been a tough one so far. I have not managed to get a winning streak mainly because I have been outsmarted in a lot of the battles I have lost.


My deck collection

I have been growing my card deck as well and though, it is not fast growing, it is growing at quite a steady pace. My card power is currently 20670. I have also been able to level up some of my cards and will be making an effort to level up more through getting cards from the reward shop and from chaos packs.

All images used except the cover image are taken from splinterlands

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