IMPresive Splinterbot

It might just be because I don't play manually all that often but seasons seem to fly by rather quick :P

As always it gives me a reason not to have to think about what to post which combined with having a botty that does more with my cards than I could; Makes purgatory a little bit more tolerable.

Although each season declines a bit in value as is the way, I think even with 0 value cards the $ value of potions and all the rest has been pretty stable.

The bot I use for my Gold account now also got a name ~ The Automated Imp by @anyn99 , and a discord

Since my deck is I feel is more for Silver I am always a bit surprised how well the bot does when it hits Gold, and by the sound of it the bot really hits a run when it hits diamond and above.

Gold Account

For me personally since I don't want to deal with the rental system, although might still give it a shot given Peakmonsters new deck rollout.

I still would maybe be inclined to just go for more winning streaks in Gold, the other benefit of the Auto Imp bot is that it is a pay-as-you-go system, so that suits my pockets just fine vs the token prices I have seen on Xbot and Arch.

Auto Imp also does not only rely on what others are playing and I like that @anyn99 is constantly tweaking the battle system to better use new abilities and cards even when there is no data available yet.

Bronze botty

On the other side of the coin is probably one I see as a "oh well" account. Bronze does what bronze does and since it is run via Splintermate it really is just a set and forget one, even more so now that cards gained can't be sent to the main account.

I don't really care though since if anything else the Bronze account is chugging along building collection power and while cards were available it definitely paid itself.

Bronze Account

It does run on some minimal delegated cards from me which if I were to move to Silver I think I would also move it over to Auto Imp simply because that botty does a lot more with less.

Obviously I don't expect magic from any one of these accounts, even the best of the best can only do so much with crumbs.

So having at least my main account making equal and more than I could with best play and too much time spent; Well that just seems like a no-brainer.

Also please drop the price of land a bit I would like to buy cheap.

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