Doctor Blight is a SCAM!

Hey guys!

I was so excited for this new Limited Promo Card, hyped and jacked to the tits!

When it was announced yesterday I was like a child opening gifts in christmas, EXTATIC! I was thinking about all the different compositions, how it could fit in the upcomming meta, what I can run this card with, and all the cool stuff I could work around to make this card shine and so on..

I was only thinking about how great this card is, looking only in the positive aspect and forgetting about the negative side.

Taking a little bit of time to reflect my deep thoughts about this card, I came to realise that this card is REALLY terrible, A COMPLETE SCAM, A DISASTER. Yes, it is very very bad. Before you all jump off your high horses to charge at me with your bows and arrows, Let me explain to you why!

I will break down this card for each seperate league so you guys can have a good understand on whats going on here.

Bronze -> 1ATTACK 1SPEED 3HEALTH Affliction, Slow
SILVER -> 1ATTACK 1SPEED 3HEALTH Affliction, Slow, Poison
Gold-Champion -> 2ATTACK 1SPEED 3HEALTH Affliction, Slow, Poison, Weaken

Before I go ahead an DIS this card even more, During yesterday's AMA, I'm curious on how some of the DEV's thought this is a good card for a reverse speed game! Wait a second, Don't you see the SLOW on this monster?

Lets have a look if its a non-reverse speed game, It has 1 speed 3 health from level 1 to max level, IT'S TOO VULNERABLE to any SNIPE & OPPORTUNITY and thats 4 mana GONE, POOF. So much for it having affliction/poison/weaken when it couldn't even attack once!

Use a taunt you might say? Do I really need to take care of a LIMITED EDITION PROMO LEGENDARY by needing to use a taunt, What if its a low mana game? melee not playable?

All in all, I think this card should be re-designed. Its a total flop.


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