Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - A Flawless Battle

Hello everyone! This is my first entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a cool battle of mine in Ranked Modern Diamond.


This is one of those games where one player completely dominates the other one.


Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_abd0347639753a6f7b8b537938f7cc71


This game has the following rule set: Born Again. I went with one of the most famous Rebellion plus Chaos Legion strategies: Lily Shieldpaw and Grimbardun Smith. I added 2 Tank Heals, 2 extra Repairs, 1 Reflection Shield for Blast protection, Daarg Deadblast to get some firepower out of my non-attackers, and 1 Scattershoter to combat a possible mirror strategy. Daarg also provides 1 extra Triage, which could be relevant against Scattershot. My opponent went with a very straightforward strategy. They deal damage to the front monster. The camouflage doesn't even matter because they don't have Snipe, Sneak, or Opportunity.


After 2 rounds it became clear that they couldn't do anything against my team. All their damage would be healed and repaired. Meanwhile, I was slowly, but surely dealing damage to Djinn Oshannus. I was missing some attacks but it didn't matter because it would eventually die 3 times and the rest of the team would follow. My Gem Meteor couldn't do much because of their Triage but it didn't matter. It wasn't needed. Their Djinn died the first time in round 4 and the other 2 times in round 5. I killed their final monsters in round 10, without having any of my monsters be Reborn. A flawless win!


This is one of my favorite strategies to come out of Rebellion. It can be frustrating to face it, especially when you're not prepared. However, it's not unbeatable and there are plenty of ways to fight it. I tend to avoid it whenever Fire is available because of Jacek.


What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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All monsters and images used are owned by Splinterlands.io

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