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Insanely high DEC rewards on season day 1!

I am sure many of you know but it seems that people don't play much straight after the seasons end.

So I have 50k power, that means I finish in Silver II but end up in Bronze II after the seasons end.

So I was on a bit of a win streak, and still in bronze league, and managed to receive almost 20 DEC, which is worth almost $0.30. given its 3mins a game, if that continues I'll be earning $6 per hour. Might not be a big wage, but its definitely starting to be worth my while.

The reason I think the rewards are so high at the start of the season is that there are less matches played, and hence more DEC to spread around. Also the fact that the price is high is helping too.

So what are you waiting for.. start accumulating DEC.. build your DEC up and take advantage of the early season lull in matches.