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GFL from chaos legion pack

I today I was pretty excited to open a chaos legion pack, and receive a gold foil legendary.

The Chaos Dragon

Gold foil legendary cards are great for my deck, as it gives me a level 2 legendary, and I often use level 3 and level 4 summoners.

The chaos dragon stats are pretty good, particularly level 2, it has random attack combined with blast and flying. the random attack with blast is great so you can get the most benefit out of blast.

What is the price?

As far as gold foil legendary go, this one is middle of the pack for chaos legion, at $260, not bad for a $4 pack (excluding voucher costs).

However given it is a chaos legion card, the collection power is only 12,500 which drives its value down compared to gold foils of untamed.

Rental market

Looks like most people are asking 75 DEC per day to rent, but there are a few renting in the 30s too. not sure how realistic it is to rent for 75, but even 35DEC per day is alright.

well, this has been a belated Christmas present for me, now should I rent it out or use it?