Adventures in Splinterlands - Ancient Redwood

Hello friends! Recently there has been a big problem with free time, and the warm spring weather encourages long walks rather than sitting in front of the computer. Nevertheless, I've been spending two or three hours in Splinterlands, pumping up my deck, and last week I tried a lot of different combos with the new summoner LILY SHIELDPAW and the new archer ANCIENT REDWOOD.

It's especially cool in Noxious Fumes battles, where the Summoner's ability to heal cards in ranged positions comes in handy.

I encountered the new HELIOS MATRIARCH summoner in one of the matches, and it was a lot of fun!

My lineup:

  • LILY SHIELDPAW Summoner with the ability to heal cards in ranged positions;
  • strong FLESH GOLEM with the ability to heal itself (it really helps in Noxious Fumes battles!)
  • OAKEN BEHEMOT is one of my favourites, with the ability to double-attack from second position;
  • KRON THE UNDYING, the strongest mage with the ability to heal himself;
  • The amount of mana allowed to use powerful monsters, so I gave this line to the strongest archer, CORNEALUS, who can also heal himself;
  • ANCIENT REDWOOD, who has a very strong ranged attack and can hit without missing!
  • I completed the combo with MYSCELIC SLIPSPAWN to divert attacks from enemy archers and mages, hoping that the healing from the summoner would last a few rounds.

In the first round, I managed to get rid of the enemy MYSCELIC SLIPSPAWN, who could not resist the strong attack of my mages and archers. And just as I had planned - the summoner healed my MYSCELIC SLIPSPAWN in the second round, while the enemy took casualties from the poison.

On the fourth turn, my opponent had one card left, DJINN CHWALA, which my ANCIENT REDWOOD quickly helped to get rid of, so it was an easy win!


Hopefully next week will be less busy and I'll have something to share with you :)

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