Splinterlands - Season 131 Wrap Up! - Glints Are Here!

Hello Splinterfans!

The very long season 131 has finished and it means these are the last chest that we earn. It is sort of an end of an era really. It is still hard for me to imagine there being no more chest earned anymore. Instead we have the new Glint token! More on that in a moment, but first, my season results.


My bot managed to get into Champion III which was the second time it got so high I think. Meanwhile, I was battling away in modern, but could only reach Gold III. This was better than last season, but it is still not so easy to climb up the leagues in modern.

With no SPS rewards at the end of the season, my earnings were therefore a disaster compared to last time in $ terms. Although I did get a decent haul of cards, including 3 legendaries and some nice gold foils that made up for it.


After my last season bonanza season results, I had some high hopes for this season again, but my hopes were dashed as I did not even get half of the last time $ rewards. It was comforting to get some nice cards though and gold foils.


It is hard to believe this will be my last season chests and now going forward, it will be all about the Glints!

The overhaul to ranked battle play will also mean only SPS can be earned for the ranked battles. I have checked and I won 1.5 SPS for a win in Silver II which is pretty decent. My bot in wild earned around 2 SPS for a win in Diamond II. So it looks like the money is in the modern league and probably much better the higher you climb. This could entice more players back to earn and renting some decks to compete.

Of course, battling in modern is no roll over and I could only reach Gold III by the last days of the season. It is a real struggle.

My staked SPS has increased to 78 273 (77 491). This is a nice increase for the season. I do not unstake any and keep stacking.


As expected, my overall SPS earnings were much lower than last season and I hope that this season they might pick up a little.

This season, after upgrading my alt with most of the rebellion deck, I just upgraded Sea Stalker to my main. I am still trying to get the remaining Riftwatcher cards I need. I also added a cheap Fire Elemental from the untamed set. Some nice ranged attack added to my deck.

After winning a battle and earning some Glints, I also tried out the new Reward Shop. I don't know who Gwen is, but apparently its his shop.

I had enough Glints for an Adept Draw, so I bought one of these and got a reward card Coastal Sentry which is always good. I still didn't max that one out yet. I noticed you cannot see your purchases in PeakMonsters anymore like you could see your rewards chests. I am interested to see how much Glint I can earn and what reward cards I can get.

I see there are also some titles that could be interesting for some players. I am not sure I would be able to earn enough to buy one, but it would be good to try and get one. For those with maxed out reward cards, that is probably a great motivation to stack glints.

How was your season?

That's all for this update, thanks for reading.


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