Splinterlands - Season 121 Highlights

Hello Splinterfans!

Season 121 has come to an end and I missed my last end of season report due to the launch of rebellion and the excitement around that.

I have bought a couple of packs and did a giveaway on Twitter to the community.

I am pretty excited to see the new cards and start collecting the good ones. I am also looking forward to seeing the untamed set rotate out as it will be the first time that we see a rotation out of modern.

This is going to open up some great new gameplay in modern and keep things fresh. I don't play with a Yodin or Kitty, so this will kick those combos out which is also good as currently I am battling in the silver league and couldn't get back into gold, even though I have a gold deck.

Once I started getting close, the algo would punish me and put me up against teams playing Kittys and Yodins and they are pretty tough to beat when you don't have them. On a good note, I hope I might be able to pick them up for my deck cheaper once they rotate out.


I hope that this season I will make it back to Gold I quickly as grinding in Silver is not so much fun as Gold. The grind is really on this season and I really want to get back up there as I miss lots of the abilities on my favorite monsters and not forgetting Runi. I keep forgetting they can't do as much in silver! A few times I thought Runi had his reflection shield and he didn't!

Since my last update, I have upgraded the awesome Axemaster to level 4 who makes playing the water deck such a joy with his double-strike and 3 damage!! I also thought it was time to upgrade Corsair Bosun to level 5 so I can take advantage of his cleanse ability. Finally I bought a level 8 Herbalist which looked too good an offer to pass up! With cleanse and triage, he will come in handy at only 2 health cost. Although he will with Axemaster rotate out of modern soon.


My End of Season chests were pretty epic I think. Overall over 300 SPS, 1 CL Pack plus 2 legendaries, you couldn't ask for more.

I now have Berix Snakeye at level 2 which is great!


My full season rewards were better than last season and I gained a decent haul of cards which I can upgrade. I now have the soul bound summoners at level 5 which is starting to be useful.

My staked SPS has increased to 105170(104131).

My SPS rewards were around 100 SPS higher than last season which is pretty good.


It has been a pretty tough season and I hope to get back into my groove in the coming season.

That's all for this update, thanks for reading.


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