Splinterlands - Season 115 Highlights


Hello Splinterfans!

We come to the end of another season and it is the first since the change to the modern league to remove bots. This change has been amazing for real players as although the number of battles in modern has fallen, the rewards have skyrocketed!

It has been amazing winning 10 chests each day and getting more wins than previously too. I am not sure how long this will last for, but am happy while it lasts. The chests have been pulling better too. More SPS, Legendaries and CL packs!


This season I have bought Agor Longtail whom I have been eyeing for a while and Runemancer Kye. I will test them out and may need to upgrade them over the next weeks.



I even managed to play an extra 50 battles in modern and played not so much in Wild. Wild has been very tough and I could only get to Gold II. Overall, playing less against bots was more satisfying and enjoyable.



My End of Season chests were pretty amazing. I got a CL pack plus a huge 181 SPS! Very happy with that. I got a nice haul of cards too, but no GF or Legendaries this time.



My full season rewards were pretty amazing with 5 CL packs and a HUGE SPS haul, 688 in total which is pretty awesome and probably a new record.

Let's check how Macguiver my alt account has been doing.



The returs for MacGuiver have been decimated, he has basically just got a couple of cards from just 8 chests all season.



Compared to last season, the earnings have been totally nerfed and this is the difference of a bot playing in wild silver without enough SPS staked. This will be the last season the MacGuiver will play as I will sell the bot and only play Brawls with MacGuiver.

My rental income has fallen again by another 200 DEC. The rental market seems to only pay for very specific highly upgraded cards.



I think we are all still waiting for the impact land might have to be able to remove many cards from the market.

My staked SPS has increased to 101,857.

My SPS rewards jumped massively by around 34%+ compared to last season. My total SPS earnings were 2064 compared to 1540 last season. That is a nice boost.


This is one of the most fun seasons for a while with the recent changes and it is also great to have better earnings.

That's all for this update, thanks for reading.


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