Splinterlands - End of Season 104 Highlights

Hello Splinterfans!

The first season with the new soulbound reward cards has come to an end and my main desire was to get as many new cards as possible. Obviously all gold foil and legendary.

Overall it has been a pretty good season with some tough battles. Mostly Wild has been very competitive, so I have been battling more in Modern, even with the lower SPS rewards, I prefer to be able to win more battles.


This season, I was able to reach Diamond III within a good time in Modern, but it was not so quick with Wild. My ratings and win rates are improved from last season but I still decided to stay in the gold league right now as I feel my deck is not strong enough to compete well enough in Diamond yet.


I was generally happy with my EoS rewards in that I got many cards including some of the new summoners.


My haul was much lower than last season in terms of packs and SPS. I hope that I got plenty of reward cards to make up for this.

After upgrading Junker last season, this season I have been upgrading Arkemis so that I can take advantage of his beautiful halving ability. I am really loving the halving ability and have been renting Halfling Alchemist who also has this ability.


MacGuiver my bot account has completed his third season too. The rewards were not so great really and I have been bolstering his deck with some good summoners and legendary cards.


I am really looking forward to winning more soulbound reward cards to boost his deck.

The season rentals have completely collapsed compared to previous seasons. It looks like many of the bots have stopped playing since the change to soulbound reward cards.


You can see my rental income fell from over 40k DEC to just over 8k DEC this season. This is a drop in average daily DEC income of 2900 to 600. Usually I am using the DEC to buy new cards or make upgrades, so this has slowed down my deck upgrades a little.

Although the rental income is lower, it is probably a good move for the Splinterlands eco-system to switch towards soulbound reward cards. Bots farming the reward pool is not healthy for the game. This move will also reduce the amount of cards on the market for a while.

My plans for this season are to finish upgrading Arkemis and keep stacking SPS. So far I have reached 3870 staked SPS and am trying to get to 10k staked SPS.

I am also looking to try and pull a Quora Towershead from a gladius pack so that I can use it with the new summoners.

That's all for this update.

Thanks for reading.


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