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Splinterlands - End of Season 100 Highlights

I had resigned myself to finishing up in Gold I for this season and I think that may have been the best thing to do because earning Gold chests is much easier than Diamond ones.

However, that was not to be as suddenly in the last 2 days my opponents became much easier and I could rise rapidly towards Diamond III, and finishing there was no problem.

That was of course in the modern league. In the wild league I finished easily in Gold II which is the maximum league that I can play in currently with my CP.

I will need to boost a few of my cards so that I can compete in Gold I for this season.


My win ratio was pretty good in wild where I have been making some good improvements in my deck and have more choice of card combos with which to play.

Modern can be very tough, especially with the higher-rated battles where I need to do a few more upgrades and think outside the box on some battles.


This season I managed 26 diamond chests and my rewards were just so-so. I at least had 2 Chaos Legion packs which made up for the not so huge rewards.

The reason is that I earned around 45 less daily gold chests it seems and not so many diamond chests due to grinding so much in gold most likely.


Here you can see that my actual EoS rewards were crazy low compared to last season by a factor of 4! I hope there will be some improvement for this season.

With the price of Chaos Legion packs dropping in price, I decided to buy 4 on the market and opened them.

Three of the openings were really bad.. but then luckily I managed to pull a legendary which more than made up for it. I have been looking to buy one, so it was perfect to get one.

With my extra merits, I also bought a gladius pack and was lucky to pull my second legendary gladius card too!! This will be a big help in my brawl battles.

A new addition to my deck is the huge 12 mana'd Arkemis the Bear neuteral monster. I hope he will come in handy in some of those large mana battles. With his +2 shield ability, that could come in handy.

Apart from Possibilus the Wise, I have also been renting Aquatus and trying to find ways to utilise him. His backfire ability can come in really handy.

This season I noticed some new game rules being used based on some abilties. So far I'm not too sure what changes that I could make to my line up to accomodate them, but I'm sure it opens up opportunities to some creative players.

I do wonder though, if there are too many variables, does this give an advantage to the bots? What is the best way to defeat the bots? By having some unique cards that they cannot fight against?

Speaking of bots, I was considering to setup a bot account for fun and give it a few of my unused cards to play with. Although I don't know if that makes any financial sense compared to just renting the cards out and I don't want to take on any extra tasks managing a robot.

The final news I heard this season is the map has been released for Land.

This seems to be moving much faster than I had anticipated which is a good sign. I am wondering though how this will all tie into the game and be useful. I almost decided to purchase a piece of land during this season but then decided against it and will wait for it to be released and a usecase for it first.

I'm not sure if I would need anything more than a piece of common land at the moment unless there would be any other benefits to having some special land.

I have been on and off the fence with regards to buying a Runi and so far didn't get one. I have however come up against my first Runi's in battle and they are cool to see.

That's it for this update.


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