Splinterlands Battle Mage - Super Sneak

Hello Splinterfans!

This week we have the new Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge with the ruleset Super Sneak.

This ruleset is another one of my favorites as I do love a melee attack and using sneak wherever possible. However, with this ruleset, all of your melee attack monsters can have sneak and it opens up some interesting possibilities with some of my favorite monsters.

Some tactics to use for this ruleset are to try and counter a melee attack with demoralise, thorns (don't forget amplify for maximum effect) and maybe some extra armor or dodge abilities.

The alternative is to try and use lots of shield and heal to counter their attack.

In today's battle, I decide to use some decoy, whilst buffing my melee attack with inspire and double-strike. Will it work out?

Let's check this week's battle.

My Team

This is a high-mana battle.

Summoner/ MonsterReason
Kelya FrendulShield and speed buff
DiemonsharkStrong melee attack and shield
Coastal SentryDouble-strike ability
Diemented SharkInspire ability
Feasting SeaweedStrong opportunity melee attack
RuniStrong melee attack and rebirth abilities
BaakjiraLarge health decoy

My opponents

Summoner/ Monster
Coastal Sentry
Arkemis the Bear
Igor Darkspear
Torrent Fiend
Dumacke Orc


Watch the Battle direct here

or youtube:

ROUND 1 - Diemonshark vs - Diemonshark

This is a silver league battle as I am trying to claw my way back to the gold league, so some of my monsters are missing some abilities that I am used to and Baakjira is one of them. He seems less effective without his heal ability somehow, but I hope he will hold off my opponent long enough while my main thrust of attack works its way through my opponent.

This is lead by Diemonshark. I hope my Demented Shark and Kelya buffs will give me an edge.

Round 1 starts off strong with Dumacke Orc a good choice for my opponent as his retaliate kicked in and dealt some blows back to me. However, it is not enough and he is the first to fall to my super sneak attack.


My opponent has gone for Possiblus as summoner and his reach ability is subordinate to the super sneak and therefore must attack Baakjira. This is a good delay whilst my attack tries to pick his team off.

Was this a mistake by my opponent? Round 2 sees Baakjira fall for me and Torrent Fiend for my opponent.

Things are looking very close now and just my Runi is standing to protect my back line.


Things are still pretty even in round 3, but we see Igor Darkspear falling plus my Runi. Although with rebirth, he comes back but Arkemis the Bear halves his attack score.


We are getting down to business now with my Diemonshark taking out my opponent's Diemonshark and then the trample ability kicks in and he takes a huge dent out of Coastal Sentry.

My Coastal Sentry then finishes off Arkemis the Bear! This looks like it is all over.


My opponent's Coastal Sentry goes on the rampage taking out Diemonshark, then my Coastal Sentry before taking a big swipe at Demented Shark!!

Luckily, I am able to answer and all of my monsters manage to just finish off the bad Coastal Sentry for the win!!!!


This week it was good to play a ruleset where my Runi was pivotal in giving my deck time to finish off my opponent. Instead of debuffing with thorns, I decided to place a large health monster to slow down my opponent. Even Baakjira without heal was able to hold them off long enough while I managed to finish off my opponent first.

In rulesets like this, it is worth considering some debuffs and even debuffs of debuffs. Such as monsters who have protective shield in case of thorns or monsters who have shatter to destroy armor of strong melee attack like Diemonshark or Legionnaire Alvar.

How do you play the Super Sneak ruleset?

Thanks for reading.


Title image, Screenshots and characters are taken from Splinterlands.

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